Chapter 22 ~The ribbon~

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Julietta and Tom were content. They had spent the last few months in bliss. No more fights, no more Amortentia. Julietta was noticing something though. She would always leave the chamber first. Tom would hardly ever return to his dorms at night. So as they sat in the chamber Julietta asked: "Thomas do you sleep here sometimes." Tom looked up from the book he was reading. "I don't sleep, ever." Julietta looked alarmed at this statement. "Thomas, that's unhealthy." Julietta had now left her seat and was perched on the side of his armchair.

She grabbed his book from him and placed it on one of the side tables. He was still stubbornly looking away from her though so she placed her soft hands on the sides of his head. She gently forced him to look her way. His eyes met her's and he knew this was a battle he was going to lose. "Talk to me, Thomas. I can not fix a problem if I don't know what I have to fix." said Julietta and Tom sighed "I can't sleep. I don't sleep. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't trust people so when I sleep it gives them a perfect way to attack me. It makes me feel vulnerable so I don't sleep. Now no one can kick me while I am down. I run on rejuvenation spells and my pure disdain for the world."

This caused Julietta to laugh lightheartedly at how true his words were. Julietta transfigured one of the couches into a large bed. She led Tom to the bed and laid him down. She sat next to him while he just rolled his eyes. "This isn't going to work Julietta." Julietta knew that he was right so she had an idea. You see she never put her hair down. It was always up in a bun, a ponytail or a braid. Tom had always hated the way she had her hair up around him. She should have it up around others but not around him when they are alone in their chamber. So Julietta knew exactly how to get him to sleep.

"I'll tell you what Thomas. I will put my hair down but you have to try to sleep." Thomas laughed thinking how well she knew him. He sat up and grabbed the ribbon in her hair. He gently tugged at it, letting the green ribbon slide out of her hair. Her white locks fell and cascaded down. She was stunning with her hair down and wild. Thomas placed his head in her lap, closed his eyes with a smirk on his face. Julietta leaned down, letting her hair tickled his face and kissed him gently. Then he slept. He was a quiet sleeper but Julietta could tell he was asleep. His face was so peaceful. He looked like he hadn't a care in the world. Julietta loved it when he looked happy and peaceful. She also loved that he trusted her enough to lay his unconscious head in her lap. she could have killed so easily but she didn't.

She picked up the discarded ribbon in her hands. It was a dark green color. She never liked that color until she met Tom. How she saw it was that color that belonged to Tom. It was a little darker than that signature Slytherin green, so she loved it. Whenever she saw it she would give herself a small smile and continue. She often wore it in her hair for Tom. Although she would never tell him that was the reason for wearing it. Many in her house thought she was traitorous for wearing green but if anyone asked about it she would just tell them that it was for her sister who had green eyes. Truth be told it was the dark green of Tom's eyes not the dazzlingly bright green of her sister's eyes. 

Julietta waited until Tom woke up before leaving. She knew that if she had just left he would have freaked out. It took months and months of getting him to trust her so she wasn't going to leave when he was most vulnerable. She knew that if she left him alone right now she might lose the trust they had. He woke up slowly. "I slept. Julietta, I slept." he beamed and pulled Julietta onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her as he hugged he buried his head in her hair. He loved her hair when it was down. He doubted he could refrain from pulling out whatever ribbon was holding up her hair when they were alone in the chamber. Only when they were alone. If any stranger saw it down he might just snap and lose control.

You see Tom loved her so much that even though she might question his sanity there would never be a day when she would question his passion. "So how are you going to sleep from now on. I say you should sleep here because the basilisk can protect you. There is also no one here, unlike the dormitories where you are around others. If you want I can wait until you are asleep to leave." said Julietta and Tom suggested, "Or you could just sleep here with me." Julietta almost preferred Tom when he was sleep deprived because then he was just a little bit less truly, madly, crazily, deeply in love with her. 

"Now Thomas I thought you were smarter than that. If I sleep here news will get out I am not sleeping in my dormitory. What would people think then?" Tom knew Julietta was right but he didn't care. Who cares if she is all he can think about? Love isn't right if you haven't lost your mind. Tom didn't want easy. He wanted crazy can't sleep, can't breathe without her love. It didn't make sense to anyone else and he was okay with that. The only issue with their love is that Tom would happily burn everyone and everything, including himself, in the world down for her. 

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