Chapter 15 ~The letter~

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Dear Kadia,

My love, things are so dull and boring without you. Since you have shown me things so magical and different the rest of the world seems pathetic in comparison. I can't imagine going back to the world I once knew. Going home would just be like returning to a black and white world after having only just seen color for the first time. Everything I thought I knew has just exploded and now things are so much more than I imagined. I thought I was crazy and now I can't get over the fact it is all real. They told me I was mad but they were just missing out on the magic. The universe was is so full of magical things and I can't believe it took me so long to find it.

I have been taking care of your dragons but they are getting restless without you. I have also been working on my wand work using the books you gave me. I have also been making a few potions but to be honest the majority of them blow up or end badly. I don't know how you do these things with such grace and ever so effortless. You don't even have to think about it, it just comes naturally to you. I am trying hard none the less, I am making baby steps but it is still progress.

Australia is warm this time of year but I feel strangely cold without you. I miss you so much and I can't wait for your return in a few days. These two weeks have felt like torture and your huge mansion seems so small without you. The house elves have been keeping me some company but none the less. We have only been living together for 5 months but I feel so alone without you. 

I hope your siblings are well. I hope your sister is enjoying school, I never did but she sounds smart. I hope your brother has been successful with the war he is fighting. I'll see you in a few days. Come home soon my love and ride safely.

Love Coral.

Julietta read shocked that her sister was clearly in love and a lesbian. "Well, I am rather disappointed in you. First of all that you think we would be so small headed as to not be accepting of your relationship. Secondly that you think we would care that she is a muggle-born. Thirdly that you let your insecurities stop you from telling us something. We are all the family we have left and we don't keep secrets. Fourth of all she is Australian. Now that is something our cold-loving Father might just have disowned you for but he is dead so you are off the hook. Heck if he was still alive you would have to pretend she was from Antarctica." Kadia let out a sigh of relief before laughing at how true it was. Their Father hated the heat more than anyone they had ever met. If it was over 20℃ their father would take off to a different part of the Earth that was near freezing.

Kadia ran across the room to hug her sister and whispered "Thank you" in her sister's ear. The sister stood there like that before separating, Julietta comforted "We are family and we will always support you. Unless you do something like murder unless necessary, rape, commit mass genocide, and other horrid, unforgivable things like that. We are family and we are Goldwoods. We are loyal, we protect each other and love each other. Now go back to your girlfriend. Have fun down under. Now wish me luck because I have to go back to school."

You see the Goldwoods are a family dynasty. Kadia could care less what anyone else thought but her family is different. She cares about them as they are her equals and they are the ones she loves. As so long as you are a Goldwood you will forever be rich, safe and protected with people backing you. There were only two people that could ever bring one of the Goldwood siblings down and it was the other Goldwood siblings. The Goldwoods have been smart, powerful and absolutely brilliant for generations. They were extremely good at doing what had to be done no matter how much it hurt. You see Goldwoods would occasionally kill if needed, they were very good at being emotionless. 

Goldwood weren't bad but they weren't good. They maintained a balance in everything they did of good and evil. They donate to charities but not because they are good people and not because it makes them look like good people but because it is right. They didn't have a family company they just had a family name and reputation that they didn't truly care about. They did what they loved and like everything, the Goldwoods did they did it extremely well. Fighting and dueling for instance was something they had natural talent in. Watching a Goldwood duel was like watching Shakespeare speak, magical and captivating. They were an untouchable force with muggles marrying into the family, family members possessing grade XXXXX animals as pets, the occasional suspicious accusation about murder and yet it was like they were never touched by any of it.

Julietta had her things packed and was ready to go back to Hogwarts. She climbed into the back of a family carriage, her brother's idea. She once again said goodbye to her chauffeur and made her way to the castle. She had missed her friends and had hoped they enjoyed their lavish yet thoughtful Christmas gifts. Their letters to her were entertaining and sweet. Eileen's entire family had been overjoyed that the Prince family now had a connection with the Goldwoods. Jezebel and Oscar told their families they got together and the overwhelming response was "finally" and "when is the wedding". Maria's parents told her that her Mother was pregnant with her sixth sibling. They each got her a rather sweet and caring gift with much difficulty as she hardly said much about herself making getting her a gift a lot harder.

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