Chapter 33 ~The Ripples~

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"Thomas come on it is time to return to England," said Julietta as she packed up her things. "Why can't we just stay for another week? Why must you force normal society on me? I enjoy keeping you all to myself." fought Tom and Julietta answered "I have had two weeks off of work and the Minister can't be alone that long. You have a very publicised duel tomorrow. As unfortunate as it is, we must go home." Now everything was packed and already back in England thanks to Julietta's magic ability. Julietta just grabbed his hand and apparated them both back to their mansion in England. "See, we are still alone and you still have me all to yourself. Now I must be going to work." said Julietta and Tom scowled "How is this having you all to myself if you are leaving. Tell your old bastard of a boss to send you home early." Julietta rolled her eyes at her husband for insulting the minister of magic himself. 

Julietta arrived in her office just as the minister walked in. "How was your honeymoon, Julietta? Things were horrible without you here. Now I need you to..." trailed off the Minister and he gave a large list of everything Julietta had to do. By the end of the day, the list was completed and Julietta was tired. It wasn't an easy job as Julietta singlehandedly tried to rid the ministry of corruption. She was closer than anyone had gotten before but it still wasn't enough. She wouldn't stop until it was completely free of the dirty money that fueled it. Many powerful purebloods now wanted her head on a stake but people knew better than to do that. Her brother was the best Auror in the Auror Department, with a license to kill. If that wasn't enough she was a Goldwood who could easily beat anyone of them in a duel. By the time Julietta left work her clothes were perfectly in place, her hair was threatening to fall out, and slight bags were visible under her eyes. 

Julietta was greeted with a warm meal laid out on the dinner table. "I beat him in the duel. Now, why do you look so tired?" asked Tom as they began to eat. If the people at the ministry were working her too hard he would happily threaten their lives. "Thomas, I am fine it is just a stressful job. Major change in the world doesn't happen with the wave of a wand," said Julietta and Tom answered "I don't see why you aren't the Minister of Magic. You do his job, you are smarter and better than him so why don't you just take it over." Julietta waved her hand which caused the dishes to lift from the table and started being washed in the sink. 

Julietta stood up and walked outside. Not sure as to why but knowing he should, Tom followed. Ater, they walked along the ample property of the Goldwoods, they came to a large pond like lake that was surrounded by flowers. It was beautiful and the flat water let the two married wizards see their reflection. Like Julietta did what she did those few years ago when she danced on the lake, she stood onto the water. This time though instead of watching Tom followed her onto the lake. Unlike Julietta who almost danced over the water, her feet barely touching it, Tom wasn't as graceful. Sometimes his feet with sink lower making them wet. He made splashes while Julietta's feet made light ripples in the water.  They stopped in the middle of the lake.

"Thomas, you don't get it. I can do so much more without the public's eyes off of me. Everyone is watching and going over everything the Minister does. There are people trying to stop us from riding the ministry of corruption. If I put myself in the public eye then it will just slow me down and put a bigger target on my back." Then Julietta dipped her toe into the water making slight ripples flow across the lake. Once the lake had become flat again Julietta lifted her hands up. When she dropped them down a huge wave flew over the surface of the lake. It caused a bang as it smashed down on the shore. History repeated itself then and there only Thomas wasn't watching with his servants. 

"You see Thomas with eyes on me I can only create tiny ripples. With them focused on someone else I can create waves in the background." said Julietta and Tom answered "Or you could just take it with force. Anyone who attempts to take you down you could just hurt." Julietta rolled her eyes and began walking back to their mansion of a home. "Thomas by doing that you defeat the whole point of defeating corruption in the first place. Now let us go home. I want to sleep." said Julietta and Tom replied, "As you insist my love."

That night Tom held Julietta close. He always held her close. You see Julietta was single-handedly bringing down corruption that had thrived for so long. Tom wasn't sure as to why she wanted to but he would support her no matter what. He didn't care whether or not the government was corrupt. He just wanted Julietta happy. With Tom at her side and her family name, no one would dare to touch Julietta. Tom didn't understand this and he was intent on protecting her. Amon would visit her every day for lunch. Everyone in the family would make plans behind her back to keep her safe. Since the threat of Grindlewald had disappeared many people were relaxing. Kadia, Amon, and Tom were not those people. They were preparing for the next treat that would hopefully never come after Julietta.  

At one in the morning, Julietta sat up in bed. She felt the need to vomit but swallowed it quickly back down. Tom woke up very quickly next to her and asked: "What's wrong?" Julietta just shook her head and tried to return to sleep. Tom didn't sleep that night and he just watched Julietta as she slept soundly.

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