Chapter 2 ~The roses~

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Julietta woke up missing home. She craved to see her animals and the staff she called family. She would never actually call them family of course but sometimes in the deepest, most private parts of her mind she calls her butler, Father and her maid, sister. She thought a morning run would soothe her mind the most so she got out a pair of shorts and a top. As she ran around the black lake fond memories of swimming filled her head and her heart was once again content with her new home. She felt eyes on her exposed legs and even though it was 5:30 in the morning she already had eyes on her. Inquizitive boys and curious girls crowed the windows in the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers watching her run. Her pale legs were lit up by the rising sun making them look as though the pale skin was a canvas that had been painted with the suns shades of pink and orange. Her muscles moved even quicker as she tried to escape the gaze of her peers. She was now pushing herself faster, taking advantage of the high the endorphins gave her.

Julietta had showered, pulled her hair into a tight braid and put on her new uniform. Many did double takes as she made her way to the great hall for breakfast. A content expression covered her face as she sat next to Eileen. While she quietly ate some dragonfruit Maria came and handed her a piece of paper. On it was here timetable, a part of school she wasn't looking forward to as she didn't like being forced to stop and start something. There would be times where she would spend all day fixated on a project, not finding time to eat or sleep until she felt satisfied that everything was done to the highest of standards. "I got you your timetable from Madame Nithercott. She is our head of houses." Maria said while Julietta meticulously finished her dragon fruit. "Thank you Mimi." she praised truthfully knowing that she would be lost without this bubbly girl. Maria felt automatically content and now she had some kind of compelling to please this girl. She hadn't felt so good about herself since she had become a prefect.

Julietta stared at the rosebud that sat on her desk unimpressed. It was only the first lesson of the day, transfiguration, yet she was already regretting giving in to her grandmothers dying wish. Her task was to turn it into a letter opener and much to Professor Dumbledore's surprise she had already done it and turned it back all without a wand. "Where is your wand Miss Goldwood?" he asked making her raise her gaze from her book. She replied with perfect manners "I am sorry Professor but I don't use one. No wand has ever been the right fit. You are standing where you are today because that wand chose you, I am standing here today because I had to manage without, Professor." She picked up the bud of the rose in her hand and made the flower bloom.

People watched in awe as the girl used wandless magic to make the rose bloom. "Miss Goldwood, would you please collect up all the roses and return them to the vase on my desk. For homework I want you to practice the spell until you can do it with ease." Professor Dumbledore said and she stood up ready to collect the flowers. There are some things that can be stopped easily like a ball rolling up a hill but Juliette's magic is not one of those things. It is like when you knock over a domino and the next thing you know the entire line has fallen over. Once she uses her more powerful side of magic it will be coursing through her veins for the rest of the day until she explodes and performs magic beyond your wildest dreams.

Her hands were twitching as she collected the roses. The second each one touched her hands the rose bloomed almost instantaneously, each getting faster and faster the more she picked up. Most wizards get exhausted when they use too much magic. Julietta's magic, on the other hand, was like a wild beast that grew the more food it got. The student were captivated as the majority of them had never witnessed windless magic. The power came off of her like tidal waves in a storm and Professor Dumbledore knew he had to step in soon enough so he said, "Miss Goldwood, go to the black lake and let it all out. I will sign you a note." He passed her a note and she was walking away as quickly as she could without losing any of her grace.

She made it to the lake without blowing something up and instead of stopping at the edge of the lake she walked right onto it. She stormed across the lake unknowing that a group of Slytherins were watching her like hawks. When she reached the middle she began dancing. Soon enough she was doing pirouettes around and around. The water around her began to lift and spin, surrounding her. As she got faster the sphere of water around her raised higher and higher. Soon enough she had created a large vortex of water that wrapped around her. She stopped abruptly and the vortex stopped causing a large slap to echo through the school grounds. The falling water caused a huge wave to smash onto the shore. She calmly made her way back to shore without a drop of water on her. She didn't look fazed in the slightest if anything she looked better than before.

Sitting on the edge of the lake was a group of soaked Slytherins. Their leader, Tom Riddle, had not been touched by the giant wave. Despite being dry the boy was still filled with anger and jealousy. He noticed immediately that she did not carry a wand and he knew that if it came down to it she could best him in a duel. He watched the girl return to shore before he hissed at his followers "Someone get close to the girl. Someone find out if she has a wand. Avery, I want something on every member of her family. Someone sleep with one of her roommates. I want to know everything about this girl from what she dreams about at night to what she eats on her birthday." His eyes became red and he stormed off with his robes billowing behind him.

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