Chapter 28 ~The Gift~

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Julietta was sitting in her ancient ruins class when a knock sounded on the door. "Come in." said the teacher and a year 4 walked in with a letter. They handed it to Julietta and two other students in the class before they quickly made their way out of the room. "Julietta Goldwood you are invited to Slughorn's birthday party tonight. Eight O'clock, in Slughorn's office. Please dress formally. You are encouraged to bring a date. " it read and on the other side of the school Tom Riddle was receiving one too. Both of them quickly skimmed the letter and put them away. Julietta had missed the party of the year before as she wasn't attending the school. Every year Slughorn celebrated his birthday with a party filled with his favorite students, ex-students, and fellow staff. If you could attend you would get to mingle with some of the best and the brightest the wizarding world had to offer. 

Tom and Julietta sat in their chamber practicing Occumency and Legitimacy while they tried to invade and protect their minds. Tom wasn't performing to his usual standards and Julietta was confused. "Thomas, what is wrong? You are doing poorly and something is playing on your mind," commented Julietta and Thomas looked up at her. "We can no longer be. You will get hurt, I am bad for you and this is over." said Tom and Julietta answered "Very well. Our relationship is not a trap, my caring is not a cage and I will not force you to stay in it. So long Thomas. When you think of us remember I was not the one who broke us." Julietta stood up and left. The sound of her shoes clicking on the stone like church bells marking the new hour of their lives. 

With her white hair tied up into a beautiful multi-braid updo, she left her dorm room. A stunning blue dress exposed her shoulders and slightly heeled sandals strapped were to her feet. As she walked into the party everyone stopped and stared. She always looked stunning but that night she looked mesmerizing. Nobody could stop staring as she made her way over to Slughorn with a gift in hand. "Happy Birthday Professor. I am overjoyed that you invited me to your party. The room looks stunning," praised Julietta and Slughorn laughed "Oh, of course, you were invited Miss Goldwood." He greedily opened the gift and marveled at the stunning collection of rare chocolates. "Thank you, Julietta. Where did you get these? They are ever so expensive and unattainable." beamed Slughorn and Julietta replied "It was my pleasure. We have a family friend in the business and he is always sending us more than we can eat. I asked for some of his most exclusive chocolate for one of my favorite professors."

After keeping Slughorn happy she retreated to the corner of the room where Eileen stood. Thanks to her family connections Eileen was reluctantly invited to the party. "Why do you put effort into keeping him happy?" asked Eileen and Julietta answered "My family has always kept made sure to keep good connections in case things go badly. Besides, it is good to treat everyone well as one day they might be your boss." Eileen nodded in agreement but she didn't look happy about it. Eileen's hatred for the world could be felt as she glared daggers into you. A young brunette boy walked over to Eileen and Julietta. "Hello, Eileen, who is your friend? How is she doing?" asked a young boy and Julietta replied "Hello I am Julietta Goldwood. How do you know Eileen?" Julietta wasn't reciprocating the flirting that the boy pushed on her. She asked a few simple questions as she was curious and she had to be cordial to Eileen's acquaintance.

"I am Niccolo Prince, Eileen's younger brother." said the boy and Eileen audibly scowled "Goodbye, brother. I don't want you in my presence." The boy walked away from the two girls and outside the door. "I never knew that you had a brother," commented Julietta and Eileen snarled "He is not my brother. He is an irritating little bed bug that infests himself everywhere and in everything." The two friends chuckled at that. Outside the party, Niccolo talked to a handsome young adult in fine robes. "My Lord she did not flirt back or reply in any way aside from simple questions about my relation to my sister," said Niccolo to Tom Riddle. "Good now return to Slughorn's party," ordered Tom before entering the party himself. As he entered his eyes met with Julietta's lovely violet ones. Julietta nodded and Tom returned the nod with a longing that he kept to himself. 

Slughorn thanked Tom for his gift while Julietta talked to Eileen. Slughorn called over Julietta with a wave of his hand. "Now how are my two favorite students getting along?" asked Slughorn and Tom answered, "We are doing well, Slughorn." It was a lie on Tom's part but Julietta didn't fix it. "Go dance you two." cheered Slughorn as he pushed them onto the area cleared for dancing. The two began a foxtrot across the dance floor. Everyone watched in awe as they moved gracefully and quickly. "Hello, Thomas. How have you been since I saw you earlier today?" asked Julietta and he answered "Repentant. I feel repentant. You look stunning Julietta." Tom twirled her around and the blue dress flung out before falling down around her knees. 

"My Grandmother once told me to never regret anything as at one time it was exactly what you wanted. She was against the very idea of regret. She said it would weigh down on you for a lifetime whereas fear is only tempory. Then again she was just a crazy old woman."  said Julietta and Tom answered "I was told the craziest people are the happiest. Intelligent people are rarely ever happy. They are less likely to have friends as they are much more selective." Julietta scoffed at that. "Thomas do not blame your brain for your lack of connection. Yes, we are more selective but that is no reason to be miserable. Smart is not wise, my dear Thomas." With that Julietta pulled away from Tom and got herself a glass of Gillywater. It didn't look out of place as the song had just finished. Tom, however, felt cold and isolated without the touch of her warm skin on his. 

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