Chapter 7 ~The rescue~

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Oscar took action immediately and flew down to where Jezebel was falling. He flew past her, wrapped one arm around her waist and saved her life. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he landed them safely on the ground. People cheered and clapped at the heroic action they had just witnessed. Jezebel hugged Oscar tightly and whispered "Thank you. I owe you everything." He smiled brightly and hugged her back, savoring the feeling of her in his arms. She pulled away from him and ran to where her broom had landed. She cradled her broom lovingly in her arms, thankful that it was okay. Before jumping on her broom and continuing to play. Oscar followed her lead and returned to the game as well. 

They won the game even after the Slytherin seeker caught the snitch. The final score was 170-320 to Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaw house was ecstatic at the win and intended to celebrate their star players with a party in the common room. The butterbeer was flowing and the music was blasting through the room so loud the floors were shaking. Juliette, Eileen, Jezebel, and Maria were not at the party as they had a better way to celebrate. They sat in the kitchens while they ate huge ice cream sundaes. The doors to the kitchen were slammed open and in walked Oscar with his best friend Robert Flagg. "What are you lovely ladies doing in here when you could be at our amazing party?" Robert asked. "Does your amazing party have ice cream sundaes? If they don't we aren't going to be there, duh." Eileen answered with a roll of her eyes.

While Robert talked to Eileen and Maria, Oscar and Jezebel snuck away. They didn't notice that Julietta was watching them sneak away with one of her perfect eyebrows raised. Oscar grabbed her hand and lead her to an abandoned classroom. She jumped up and sat crossed legged on a desk while Oscar sat on a desk opposite her. He had never thought she had looked so good, with her hair down, her pajama pants and a T'shirt on. She looked relaxed and happy instead of tired and stressed like she did the past week when she was stressing about winning the Quidditch game. He always liked when she looked happy and with a sigh, he decided not to tell her.

He had been in love with her for years and years. One day as children when they were climbing a tree Jezebel fell and got hurt. He jumped and held Jezebel as her knee bled. They may have only been 7 at the time but in that moment he decided he never wanted to see her hurt ever again. This was hard for him as Jezebel loved all sport and the outdoors. She never stopped running around and she was always on the move. So Oscar spent many years chasing after Jezebel and despite being rather smart she never noticed how he pined after her. She never dated anyone much to Oscar's enjoyment despite the boys who often asked her out. 

Eventually, the girls went back to their dorm and the two friends returned to the party with their arms full of food. While Jezebel slept Maria whispered to the other girls "When will she realize that he is in love with her?" Julietta looked up at her friend and answered: "She doesn't know it yet and if she does she denies it but the truth is she is slowly falling in love with him." Eileen laughed cruelly and scoffed "What makes you think that. Bel doesn't like people in that way. Plus Oscar follows her around, a quality that is only cute in a lost puppy." 

Julietta walked over to the large window and looked out of it. The moon lit up her blonde, white hair making her look goddess-like. She turned around to face her friends and sighed "You can see it in her eyes when she looks at him. Her eyes are filled with the kind of love that siblings don't share. Male, female friendships can exist without either partly falling in love with the other but that was never going to happen. Even as children I doubt their love was ever just friendship. They are childhood sweethearts. She will grow old, he will grow old but they will always look at each other with a youthful love. If you look at the book of her life he was right there with her on the first page." The friends nodded as they thought about how right she was. "So how do you suppose we get them together?" asked Maria and Eileen instantly replied "You can't force love. Just wait it out and eventually after a painstakingly long time they will get together."

"What are you guys talking about?" said Jezebel groggily as she woke up. "Nothing Bel. I am going for a walk. Anyway, go to sleep all of you. Especially you, Maria, we all know that if you don't get enough sleep you go insane." She turned around her ponytail swang around before she walked away from the window she was standing at and then she left the room. When she left the moon went behind a cloud and the place was suddenly cold and dark. She wandered the halls of Hogwarts until she came across a ghost in a bathroom that captured the young girl's attention.

That night Oscar sat on one of the couches in the Ravenclaw common room with his friends filling up the other seats. Empty plates and cups were left on the ground. Music was playing very softly in the background, merely a memory of the once-booming sound. Everyone had returned to their dormitories to collapse in bed, exhausted. "Hey Oscar can you get Jezebel to set me up with that new kid, Julietta," asked his friend. Oscar rolled his eyes and scoffed "Why?" One of his friends slapped him and reasoned "Dude she is the kinda girl who makes you love your name just because of the way she says it." Oscar rolled his eyes again and left his friends to their pointless discussion. He went to his room and fell asleep thinking about how Jezebel felt in his arms today when he caught her.

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