Chapter 18 ~The kiss~

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Tom sat in the chamber with Julietta next to him. They were at a table they had transfigured as sitting on the stone floor could get annoying at times. They were finishing off an essay for astronomy and it was around 10 at night. For over three months they had been friends. Their nights spent here in the chamber let them bond. They had formed a great friendship during these nights alone with only the company of each other. Eventually, the two would stay up later and later until they were together each night to two in the morning. The two had trouble sleeping anyway so it was better having insomnia together than laying in bed where they wouldn't be sleeping anyway.

"Why do you always say no to them?" Tom asked and Julietta questioned "To whom Tom? Who do I say no to?" Julietta had fully put her quill down at this pointed and had her attention completely on Tom. "The boys who always ask you to Hogsmeade and on various other activities," Tom said bitterly thinking of those boys. He was right. Many boys approached her in class, in the hallways, during meals or wherever else they could. Tom didn't blame them as she was stunning and once you saw her your eyes would forever follow her. Tom still despised the boys who would follow her in swarms. He always took joy when she said "no". The sad and disappointed looks on their faces made him smirk in glee.

"Girls chase you as well Thomas. Besides I couldn't care less about them. They don't even know me. They would tire of me the day I lost my beauty so why should I indulge them? Why do you say no to the girls who chase you?" quizzed Julietta. Julietta was right though. For every boy that followed Julietta, there was another girl chasing Tom for the same reasons. The two had that rare combination of stunning beauty and impressive intellects. "I despise them they are stupid, annoying and boring. I don't pitcuarly like anyone. You are just special because, well, you are different from anybody else."

Tom looked at Julietta closely. He didn't know if he was losing his edge or if it was just animalistic instinct but he wanted to kiss Julietta. He stood up and offered his hand to Julietta. She raised an eyebrow, unsure of what was going on. Never the less she took his open hand. He pulled her up from her chair and straight into him. They stood practically chest to chest for a while before either one of them moved. Julietta tilted her head to the right and closed the small gap in between them.

Now their lips were touching and they were kissing. Julietta and Tom had never kissed so you would expect it to be sloppy and awkward. This was Julietta Goldwood and Tom Riddle though. They were never sloppy or awkward though so they wouldn't be during a kiss. It was graceful and elegant like everything they did. Had it been Hollywood there would be fireworks and piano music. They didn't need Hollywood as they were better than that. Their chamber, their secret and their lips on each other. The school didn't matter, no one else mattered as of right now they had each other.

His hand's rested on her hips while her's rested comfortably on his chest. Their mouths moved against one another's while they leaned in closer. They pulled apart eventually and they stood like that for a few minutes. Julietta gave him a quick peck before packing her things and leaving the room. At this point, everything had changed. It was like a bomb had gone off in Tom Riddle's heart. He wasn't supposed to be able to love, or care, or feel. Yet here he was for the first time in his life feeling everything. It was like a tidal wave had crashed over him. Julietta was so magical that she had unknowingly fixed the heartless.

The two had agreed silently not to tell anyone so when Julietta made it back to her dorm she just went about her nightly routine as always. They made conversation about school and their days before they all went to sleep. Tom, on the other hand, sat in the chamber trying to understand his new found emotions. The basilisk slithered over after feeling the shift in her master's emotions. It lifted its head off the ground and lay it under Tom's open hand. Affectionate, loving and sweet are not the words most people would use to describe a giant snake but the actions were that none the less. The cool scales were calming as he stroked the creature. Soon enough he had packed up his things and had returned to his dormitory.

You see many many years later an old man with a beard and a young boy with a scar would be studying Tom Riddle. They would never truly know him completely though as they had never managed to get this part of him. It was kept hidden from everyone excluding Julietta Goldwood, because as Tom Riddle once said she is special. Albus Dumbledore would spend many many hours trying to find a memory where he showed the side of him with emotions. Albus Dumbledore failed. He tried to convince Julietta Goldwood on many occasions but she wouldn't waver. They would talk, she would be ever so polite while saying no and then he would leave again.

While Julietta slept Tom gathered giving his followers. He gave them their usual orders. "Avery keep me informed on the going on's at the ministry. Someone keep an eye on Grindelwald. The rest of you keep recruiting new followers. Now I expect everyone to have the imperious curse perfected by the time I next see you. Now get out of my sight all of you." His followers quickly ran off like little rats scurrying away from a human. Tom let out a deep breath and went to bed in hopes of getting more than five hours of sleep. He would get those hours though. He blamed Julietta as Julietta filled his brain.

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