Chapter 34 ~The Favor~

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It took the two very smart adults a rather long period of time before they realized what had happened. Julietta was pregnant with a girl. At that point, the two had to make a plan. They upped their workload. Tom had a duel every day and stayed up most nights as he worked on a new spell or potion for the wizarding world. Julietta spent more time sleeping but the time she spent at the office it was extremely impressive. She wouldn't stop. The day she had finally pulled every vain of corruption that ran through the ministry from it she quit. The Minister was devastated and her name was planted on the front of a newspaper. "Julietta Goldwood stops corruption then drops the Ministry." it was titled and Tom had the newspaper brought, the writer was fired. 

So Julietta sat at home pregnant. To sure the boredom she adopted one of her husband's hobbies and began to make her own spells and potions. Amon and Kadia made preparations for a child joining the family for the first time since Julietta herself was born. The child was born and she was named Lalia Elora Goldwood-Riddle. The child was spoiled by the wizarding world. On the day of her birth, thousands of luxury items were sent to one of the Goldwood mansions. The tabloids reported it and the child was obsessed over. People waited as they left the hospital in hopes to catch a glimpse. As Julietta was too weak to apparate they were covered by a cloud of black smoke while they got to their private car. 

Tom stopped participating in duels over the next few years. He and Julietta would come out with books filled entirely with new potions and spells that they created. The first time the world saw the child was when her parents both won a first-class Merlin award. She was dressed well as every designer in the wizarding world begged to put their clothes on her back. For a three-year-old, she spoke like an adult and acted like one too. With her hand held tightly onto her Mother's hand, they walked past the press. With dirty blonde hair, deep turquoise eyes that you could see the ocean in she didn't look like either of her parents. Of course, she had the stunning features that they had as no one else had that unnatural beauty. With a large gem adorning her neck that all of her family had in their eye color, Lalia was truly a Goldwood. That small look at the child reignited the craze that the Goldwood's had avoided since they had given birth.

It had been a few days when Julietta awoke. Tom was supposedly doing research for his book but she could sense a shift in the air. When he returned home his features had changed. To the normal person, they would not have noticed but Julietta saw the slightly more snakelike appearance. Julietta waited until Laila was asleep when she spoke to Tom. "Thomas my love what have you done?" asked Julietta as she held his old diary out to him. "It was for us. I will not let any of us die. Who will protect you if I die?" snapped Tom before going to sleep. Julietta made her plans. She loved her husband but she would never put her daughter through that. You see Julietta has a line that cannot be crossed.

There was a perfect time that she had to wait to do it. Julietta pretended to be okay with it and didn't bring it up so that Tom would not suspect a thing. Once he left for a trip that would take a minimum of three days Julietta fled. She took her child, her things, and left her home to the island that she made just in case. When Julietta arrived on the island she first took Laila down to the beach. It was a beach where some Merpeople or Sirens often came. Julietta let them stay on the island when they wished. In return, the creatures would bring her pearls and do favors when asked. They would often deliver exotic ingredients for potions when asked. Sure enough, seven merpeople were there and they greeted Julietta in joy.  Unlike the Merrows or the Selkies, the warm water merpeople were stunningly beautiful. 

"I need a favor Tallulah. Change my daughter. Make it so that when she wishes she can become one of you." said Julietta using the hand signals moved by Using their magic the sirens did what Julietta asked. It took them time but after a few hours and the use of complicated ocean magic, Lalia had become one of the merpeople. With some effort and strain, Lalia had once again turned back into a human. Julietta made a choice to make her child a mutant if it meant keeping her safe. Lalia stayed the same age on the island so she got to become equal with merpeople of the same age. She had learned the language, become an excellent swimmer, and she had been adopted by Tallulah who quickly became her underwater guide and teacher. As Tallulah went for long swims outside of the island she would grow. Over time Lalia grew slowly. By the time 1971 rolled around Laila was eleven. Julietta sent her daughter off to Hogwarts.

Back before time had stopped for Julietta and Laila. Tom had to discover that his wife and daughter had left. He knew where he had gone and he knew why. This is when he made the choice that he regretted forever. If he did what he wanted, he would have chased after the love of his life. Instead, he let her go. He vowed to protect his wife and child forever. He protected them by staying away. As rumors circulated around Julietta people asked questions. Many assumed that Julietta had died. While Tom slowly took the world in hopes that he would be able to protect Julietta. If the entire world was under his control he could keep Lalia safe. Instead of staying with them he sacrificed their relationship in hopes to keep them protected.

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