prologue / 1

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This was it.

You were leaving your mother for good now, and leading yourself through a different trail. A trail you weren't yet prepared for, but if time kept seeping past, you'd have been too late.

"Okay then, guess I'm all set." You confirm, smile faltering when you turn to your mother. You wipe her tear stained cheeks, before smiling again in assurance.

"Everything will be fine eomma and I promise you, I'll call you as soon as I land there." Your voice started to crack as you began to feel your own tears form. Your mother continued to sob, her arms now tightening around you and you bit back your cry.

You knew she would feel so lonely. Though she had your father, he was barely at home because of the work overload. She never seemed to get close to anyone else and was only ever close to you. And now you were leaving her.

You let out a defeated sigh, slowly pulling yourself out of her embrace. "Don't worry too much about me, okay? Dad's still here and I'll call you at least once a week."

"I know you will, precious." You can tell that her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes and it makes you all the more upset. "Make sure Amber takes good care of you and you do the same for her." She sniffled, tucking your hair back with her hands that trembled. You sigh, nodding to her words.

"Just a few years and I'll come and visit you. I promise."

She smiles with sadness clouded over her eyes, bringing you in for your last embrace before you both parted ways.


Your lashes fluttered open as you wake up to the thud of the planes landing. Chest rising and falling, you seat yourself up as you squint at the bright light that made its way through the window beside you. The planes movement was nearing its stop as you took in tremulous breaths of air, already feeling the need to get back home.

You rolled your shoulders, leaning your head on either side in attempt to calm your muscles that had tensed up. Your body continued to shudder, your passing breaths becoming unsteady by the second. The lady beside you had noticed you, smiling genuinely as she leaned a little closer to you.

"First time flying?"

You turn over to the middle-aged woman before letting out a nervous laugh. "Ah, is it that obvious?"

The lady chuckled, her head slightly bopping in a nod. "You'll be fine. If you need anything, I'll help."

You smile in appreciation of the ladies offer, gathering your items around you as you felt the transport come to it's stop.

You take off your seat-belt when you realize the large queue that had already begun to form between the rows of seats.

Squeezing through, you tippy-toe in reach of your bag from the above cabin, carefully bringing it down as you continue to wait within the slow movement of the line.

Each step closer to the exit caused your stomach to flip in anxiety, your hands quivering by your side. And then you were finally out the plane.

You stayed close to the kind lady, following her and watching her actions carefully before repeating them for yourself.

Minutes were seeping by and you and the lady had gone your own ways. You took a rest on a seat, fishing out your phone to give your friend a call.

Within one ring, the girl had picked up her phone, her squeals audible for the man sitting beside you. Giving him an apologetic bow of the head, you hurriedly grab your things and move away.

You chuckle at the girls excitement, allowing yourself to follow her directions through the phone.

Your heart shrieks in excitement when you finally see her, speeding up the pace as you carelessly earn attention from the crowd when you drop your bags and get engulfed by the girls hug. A hug you had longed for, for two whole months.

From the beginning of high-school, you and Amber had always dreamed of going to a university in Australia, and here the two of you were, grabbing a taxi as you traveled through that very atmosphere to now be called home.

The sun was setting, the surroundings starting to darken with each moment passing by. You walk into your new apartment building, which Amber as well had been staying at. Heaving the bag over your shoulder once again, your eyes roam around the large building, watching the mixed crowd of people scattered round the room.

"Y/n." Your eyes flicker to Amber, then to the keys she held out to you. "The room is ready, let's go." Amber says in an exquisite tone as she places the card-key in your hands. The two of you turn around before you furrow down at your room card. You realize the small numbers in the corner, pulling it up closer to observe before a large collide forces it to slip out your grip.

Your eyes draw up in shock, lips slightly parted as they let out an apologetic 'sorry'. The dark haired boy, arrogantly walks past as if nothing had happened, taking you by surprise. Your eyebrows raise as you turn to Amber. "Is everyone like that?"

Amber let out a nervous chuckle, shaking her head. "Well fortunately, no. But-" Amber drags through her word turning to the boy that exits the building. "that boy's definitely familiar. Perhaps lives here too." She assumes, as she turns to you.

Your head tilts up in annoyance as you step into the elevator and press your floor number.

"Welcome to Australia." Amber chuckles watching as the doors close.

You shake the thought off, attempting to help not make worse your entree to your new home. After all, what are the chances you'd have to deal with him again?


chances are high honey

heads up; the start hasn't begun yet

quik quesh'╭➹¹

who's your bts bias?

my answer since its not obvious: Jeon Jungkook

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