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Your P.O.V
My eyes squinted as I peaked my head over the blanket, observing the golden lit room from the morning sun. I'd finally awaken from my tortuous sleep, one longer than the usual period of time. The blankets creased, as I slipped out of bed, hauling my way through the cool air before stepping foot in the bathroom. My eyes widen as they draw parallel to the reflection in front of me. My hair looked of a crows nest, eyes sunken in and my face looked paler than usual. My fingers tangled through my knotty hair, as I brushed it back before tying on a lose bun. The cold touch of water caressed my skin as I washed up, patting it dry shortly after.

I became curious of the days weather because of the unusual cold air. My eyes scanned the room as I searched for my phone. My eyes didn't catch on it, so I head down stairs where I saw it lying on the marble counter. Spending the day with my interminable sleep, unread notifications, messages and missed calls increased since yesterday. Not too surprised that most were from Hyun Shik.

But as his name processed in my mind, something was missing. It was a feeling. A feeling I'd always get when I saw or heard his name. There were no butterflies that spread like wild fire. My cheeks didn't wear the pink blush, nor did it carve lines of my irresistible grin. My heart was anchored to its steady pace, instead of swiftly beating out my chest. This was all enough to prove one thing. I didn't share the same interests in him as I used to. But why?

"Long time no see."
My eyes draw up from my phone to meet an alluring smile present across Jungkook's features. An unbeatable simper aligned against my lips. My gaze locked with his and I got lost in thoughts, musing off into a distant thought. I tried to get rid of my present smile, but it stubbornly stayed observant. My mind was playing tricks on me. It spoke of three word that I realised was no other but the truth. I missed him.

Jungkook clears his throat and I see his visible smirk that failed to hide behind his hand. I feel my cheeks redden, so I swiftly turn around as my eyebrows clash in confusion. 'What was that all about?'
"Assuming you slept well." He comments, flicking on the kettle. I give a low nod looking back at him. "You?"
"Average." His reply was followed by silence and a rather awkward atmosphere that was slowly weighing me down. The weight was finally dragged off of me when a new figure appears at the scene.
"Y/n!" My head snaps up to where Amber looked almost transparent, for I could examine her feelings that overflowed with exultation. I watch as she dashes down and towards me, arms spread for a warm hug. My chin rested on her shoulder as she squealed in my ears, arms wrapping tighter. "Awh, I missed you so much!" She brags with hints of excitement in her tone. "It was literally less than one day and we were in the same house the whole time." I chuckle hauling out of her grip.
"But it felt like you weren't here at all." She pouts managing to force a giggle out my lips. "Have you had breakfast yet?" She asks as she opens up the fridge.
"Not yet."
"Okay well let's eat fast, I've already planned the day." Amber says pulling out what ever her eyes lay on first. "Where to?"
"Don't ask, just eat." She teases. I sneer looking away from her to Jimin. "Where?" I silently ask but failed to avoid Ambers catch. "Yah, you'll find out later."

And with that, our hunger was dimolished as we licked off the lasts of the meal.

"Wrist please."
I pull my sleeves up, stretching out my arm as the lady wrapped around the wrist band. I turn to Amber, exhilaration written all over. "You could've just told me we were going to an amusement park. I would've worn warmer clothes." I state, Amber pursing her lips as she avoided eye contact with me. We finished at the front, entering through the heavy, steel gates.

My eyes are first caught on the movements of the rides and the presence of the fewer crowd from the wintry, chilled weather. The heavy grey clouds that shielded us from the warm presence of the sun, hovered above us. There was a frigid breeze that blew at my exposed skin every now and then, sending me goosebumps. My fingertips became numb and I was desperate for some warmth. I listened to the loud screams and thudding of the rides machinery, taking small steps as my eyes shift from one interest to another. "Y/n!"

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