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Your feet tapped away to the slow beat, as your eyes shift from the audio to the road. Jungkook, who's hands were firmly gripped to the steering wheel, brings the car to a sudden halt, causing the seat belt to skin your neck. He stops at the side of the road and you turn to him who pulls his ringing phone out of his pocket.

"Yah, why did you have to stop like that? It hurt." You say, pulling the seatbelt away from your neck.

"I'm sorry, it's been a while since I've driven."

"I can see that." You mumble under you breath.

"Can you answer the call please." He says eyeing the side mirror to get back on the road.

You take the phone from him and answer when you see Jimin's name.

"Jungkook? Where are you!"

"Hey Jimin, it's y/n."

"Oh, Hey." Jimin's voice tones down. "Where are you guys?"

"We were supposed to tell you but you guys were fast asleep. We've hired a car for two weeks. Now we don't have to catch the bus or taxis." You explain.

"Oh! That's good but why this early. It's seven."

"Well, we were trying to dodge traffic."

"Ah, I see."

"Yeah. We should be there soon. Can you get breakfast ready?"


"Thanks. We'll see you later."

"Okay bye."

You end the call, putting Jungkooks phone in the middle compartment.

As your mind became empty of distractions, you hiss when a burning pain, throbs on your soft skinned neck. Pulling the sun visor down, you take a look at your neck through the small mirror. You sigh in annoyance to see a red mark caused by the thin layer the seatbelt had skinned off. You push the sun visor back up and hold onto the seat belt to avoid its interaction with your neck.

"Are you Okay?" Jungkook had made out that you were in pain after hearing your hisses and sighs.

"Yeah, I should be."

Flicking on the indicator, Jungkook pulls up on the side of the road again.

"What happened?"

"It's nothing. Just keep driving."

Jungkook nods but just as his head turns to look back, his eyes catch your lightly coloured neck.

"Y/n, you're hurt."

"No! It's really fine!"

"It's when I pressed the breaks wasn't it?"

You slightly nod. He unclips his seat belt, leaning over to reach his hand out to you. He gently moves your chin to view the neck and guilt builds in. "I'm really sor-"


Jungkook converts looks to your eyes. It was like your eyes had silently spoken to him, assuring him that you were okay. But soon, your eyes spoke of no words. They stared deep into his, like it were hypnotised, uncontrollable to the point that you'd stared for minutes. All your surroundings had faded out like the pitch blackness of your sleep and it were only the repetitive clicks of the indicator that crept through your eardrums. The sudden car that sped past, broke the short connection, causing the two of you to familiarise yourselves with your surroundings.

You cleared your throat before speaking. "We should probably get going."

Jungkook who quickly shuffled back in his seat, clips his seat belt back on. The rest of the drive, you just looked out your window at the passing cars. Finally when the car wheels meet with the asphalt drive way, you un clip your seat belt and step out the car.

his chosen one | jjk (long hold) Where stories live. Discover now