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Soon, it became empty.

You sat silently on the edge of the foot path, the stoical figure leant against his car with his arms crossed. Neither of you communicated as your eyes dazed at the empty carpark before you, Hyun Shiks car being the only one to occupy the area.

The sun had sunken well long before, allowing the street lights to be the only sense of lighting.

It's been more than hours, and you messaged Jungkook to notify him that you were ready to leave but his car had still not showed up. Hyun Shik insisted in waiting, but that only left you with a higher level of guilt.

Your mind rewinded to an hour ago, where without intentions, you had broken him with just those two simple words.

I'm sorry.

You recall his forced smile that sent pain to your chest, your inner guilt eating you whole. The tears he failed to hold back and the reason of it being you. Although it wasn't intended, your mind wouldn't stop blaming it on yourself.

The two of you settled the whole situation, presumably staying friends, but you knew it wouldn't at all be the same. Of course it wouldn't.

"Thank you," Your voice was sympathetic, but your eyes stayed fixed to the far darkness.

Hyun Shik tilts his head towards you, speaking back with a dull tone. "For?"

You huff out a half suppressed laugh, face conveying the truth of guilt. "For understanding. Any other guy could have reacted to this in a shameful matter, possibly even taken it next level."

In the corner of your eyes, you see his arms break from its crossed position as he pushes off his car and takes a seat next to you, keeping a safe distance to retain your comfort.

"The two of you deserve eachother. That was something I saw long time ago." He pauses, laughing to himself before turning to face you. "I knew it would happen; you and Jungkook. He's a good guy."

Your eyes light up at his words, guilt slowly melting away as his smile begins to look more genuine.

Your heads roll up to the sound of heavy wheels rolling over rocky cement, the bright headlights causing the two of you to squint, your hands slowly lifting up to shield the lumination.

When the car stations, the headlights black out and you see the familar figure step out his car.

"Y/n I'm so sorry,"

"No, it's fine." You're quick to save his words as you stand up, Hyun Shik following in sinc.

Jungkook's grin carved lines as he brings his arms around you. You instantly react to his hug, smiling into his chest, as you adjusted to his hold.

Feeling awkward with the situation, Hyun Shik set his mind to take his leave, his car keys rattling as he pulls it out of his pocket. Hearing his faint movements brings you back to awareness of his presence, and you quickly loosen from Jungkook's hold, as he did the same.

Turning over to the other boy, Jungkook's eyes slightly sadden to the sight of the other, whose eyes were drained red, tear marks staining his cheeks.

"Uh, thank you for waiting with her," Jungkook delivers, smile infected by pity for the other.

Hyun Shik smiles in response, giving off a small nod before opening the door to his car.

You had already noticed the different, more calm and genuine tension in the air, rather than the antagonising one from the morning.

"Not a problem. Have a good night." Though his voice was tedious, his smile was enough to cover it up as he makes his conclusion, climbing in to his car and jolting the door to a close.

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