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The walk back to the apartment was nothing but a short trip, occupied by the chilly weather and the pizzas warmth. As you loomed closer to your room, your right hand slid in your pocket, heartbeat refraining when your fingers fail to clasp on your room key-card. You begin to pat your hands over other pockets, stomach churning when it fails to meet touch with it. Placing the pizza down, you begin to slip both hands in all possible pockets, letting out a deep groan when its not found.

Knowing Amber was in the room, you knock on the door, feet tapping as you impatiently waited for her to open up.

"Oh you're finally here, lets sta-

You immediately cut her off, picking up the pizza to force it in her arms. "I think I left my key. Ill go get it before anything happens to it." You decided offhandedly, pacing your way toward the elevator and out the building.

You rush down the street, rapidly inhaling to catch your breath once you near the store. Yanking the door open, your eyes darting from the floor then to the counter, you finally catch eye on the card in the process.

You spot Jungkook, the card clasped between his thumb and index as he unrhythmically tapped it against the counter.

Your jaw clenched as you hesitated to approach him, unable to hold back your bitter feelings of resentment toward him.

You dragged your feet, mind processing how you were to grab his attention and receive your card without further drama. Your lips open to say his name but you hold back when the man behind the counter notices you.

"Is there a problem?" He queries, causing you to wince when you notice Jungkook turn to look at you. Quickly turning to face the man, an idea rang through your mind.

"Um yes actually, I happened to have lost my key-card," You voiced, loud enough for Jungkook to hear. "so if you happen to come across it-"

"Then dont worry about it." Jungkook cuts off, clenching the card in his hold, mouth curved into a smirk.

The man behind the counter nods, pushing Jungkook five boxes of pizza. Nodding to the man in gratitude, Jungkook slips the card in his back pocket, making you furrow in confusion.

Taking hold of the boxes, he jerks his head in the direction of the door, as if signaling you to follow. You follow silently until you leave the store, lips ready to spill out all your anger.

"Look here. I am not in the mood for your-"

"Save your breath. Seems like you didn't have to tell me where you lived after all. Figured it out myself." He smirks pulling out the key-card from his back pocket. Rolling your eyes, your hand quickly reaches for it before he flinches. "Ain't that easy." He warns before pushing it back into his back pocket, bringing two boxes towards you. "Help me out here."

You give a half-suppressed laugh, pushing the boxes back. "Or wh-"

"Or you dont receive your keys. Easy as that. After all, the hotel doesn't give spare keys without extra charges."

"Urgh!" You yank the two boxes from the pile, treading on your heels as you make your way toward the near apartment. Jungkook laughed in amusement behind you, making you clench your jaws.

"Why the hell have you ordered enough pizza for a week?" You snapped, continuing to look forward as you walked into the apartment.

"Why do you care?" He questions with a dismissive tone. With that, you immediately stop, turning to face him with narrowed eyes.

"I care because I am the one who has to help you carry them. So stop being a smart arse and just answer the damn question." You hissed continuing to walk through the elevator doors as soon as they open.

his chosen one | jjk (long hold) Where stories live. Discover now