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I look up and my heart sinks to the bottom. Was it really him from last night?

He looks up to face me and a wide smile spreads across his features. "I guess we meet again." Yep. It was definitely him.

I was full of nervousness and excitement. The feelings were mixing in fast. I was feeling sick. I started to sweat. And all this time, I never even realised I looked like a frozen idiot in front of him. What was I doing. I snapped out of my state and quickly grabbed the pen.

"T-thank you." Great job y/n. You just had to stutter.

"You're welcome. And now that we're here, I guess I can apologise. Didn't really have time to do it yesterday so yeah I'm s-"

"No! Please don't, it's not your fault. I should've looked where I was going."

"Ah, it's fine.... Names Hyun Shik." He held his hand out. I lift my hand up and shake it. "I'm y/n."

"Nice name. Well i guess it's nice me-"

"Y/n! What are you doi-" I turn to see Jungkook and he turns his head to Hyun Shik. "What the hell does he want?"

"Shh. Stop making a scene. He just wanted to apologise."

"So he had to find out what university you go to or in other words 'stalk' you just to say sorry?"

I was about to argue back but what could I say. He had a point. I turn my head to Hyun Shik for an explanation. He let out a short laugh.

"I didn't stalk you. And I didn't know you go to the same University as me." My heart pumped blood a million times faster. He what! The same. University. AS ME? I was screaming of joy and happiness.

Jungkook snickered at his reply and stated. "This University. Out of them all in-" he stopped. Why was he so angry? "Well you've apologised to her right? Cause, me and y/n need to go".

He grabs me not too harshly by my lower arm and drags me out. I look at Hyun Shik one more time and wave a goodbye. We head out the building and my arms were getting soar.

"You can let go now." He lets go but continues to walk forward. "Where are we going."

"Somewhere" after a few minutes walk, we walk into a private area. It was a very lonely park. The sun was still hovering above the patchy clouds, and the wind glistened through the trees.

It was quiet until I heard the voice of a familiar person. Someone I actually missed though it's only been a few days. "Y/N!" I turn my head to the small figure that slowly came closer and closer towards me. "Min Ah!" As she ran into my arms, I carried her and spun her around. I hugged her closer each second and then put her down.

She was like my own sister. I adored her to bits. "Aww! How are you?" I ask pulling her to sit on my lap.
"It's been boring without you. Oh and you know I wanted to wake you up the other morning, but Jungkook said-"

"Shhh! Min Ah, that's a secret between only us two." Jungkook barged in. "Now hurry up and copy down the notes." He threw the book and it slid across the ground and stopped before me. Bringing my head up from the ground, I narrowed my eyes at him and picked it up.

Time taken to write down the notes were longer then expected since I was a little distracted by the talks I had with Min Ah, but it was worth it. I was finally done, but my knuckles were sore and I was so tired. After a few more minutes of talking with Min Ah, Jungkooks phone rang. I couldn't hear what the person on the other side of the line was saying but I could tell what it was about.

"Oh you're here?" I see Jungkook turn his head to spot a black car was parked in the distance. "Oh I see you, I'll let Min Ah know."

And without allowing Jungkook to say even one word, Min Ah grabbed me and started running. "NO! I don't want to go home. I want to stay with y/n." Jungkook laughed at her cute act. I stopped her from running and knelt down to her.

his chosen one | jjk (long hold) Where stories live. Discover now