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I almost gasp but he muffles my mouth.

"Shhh. She's sleeping." He whispers, still muffling my mouth. I tried to move but his body was trapping me. He slowly lifts his hand off my mouth and I 'whisper shout' at him.

"Yah! What the heck?"

"What do you mean? You're the one trying to esca-"

"I wasn't trying to escape. I just needed to get something."


"My charger."

"You couldn't ask me?"

"I thought you were sleeping."

"How can I sleep with someone like you in my room?"

"Then why would you trust me to stay?"

"I don't know. Why did I?"

"Then I guess I'll just grab my things and leave."

"But you don't want to break the promise you made with Min Ah, do you?" I saw a smirk cross his face.

I scoffed. He slid his hand down and pulled the card out of my hand.

"I have spare chargers." He pushes off the door leaving me space to move. I took in a deep breath and walk to the room. As I wait at the door way, he finally returns with the charger.

"Thank you" I mumble before turning to shut the door behind me.

I got my phone charged and the night ended with a last minute chat with Amber.

I get up and things feel different. I feel something on my head and see something yellow peaking above. A sticky note? I pull it off and read ;

'You're late :)'

I gasp. What the- I pick up my phone to read that it was 8:54. Erghh! Only 6 minutes! I quickly jump out of bed grabbing my pillow, blanket and phone. I rush out the door and get into the elevator. I run to my room and-

Arghhhh! I left my key in his room and I didn't have his keys. I had no choice but to call him. Min Ah won't be home since she's at Jin's mums'. Wait- I didn't even have his number. Why!? Could things get anymore complicated. I didn't even want to go out because of the clothes I was wearing. But I had no choice. I leave my quilt and pillow by my door and get into the elevator.

I go to the front desk where all eyes follow my every move. Embarrassed, I fasten up my pace and explain the problem. Luckily, I was trusted after checking out the CCTV cameras and finding out I was a regular here. They handed me the spare keys and I headed back up.

After half an hour of rushing to get ready, I was out and on my way to university. I ran most of it until I got to the end. I had already called and told the professor that I was running late so there was no need in explanation. I walk in and spot the empty spot next to Jungkook. As I walk and take my seat, I give him a glare. He leans in and whispers.

"Sleep well?"

"No!" I yelled back and looked away from him. The lesson went by, again fast as usual and after the professor stopped talking, I started lecturing Jungkook.

"Yah! Why the hell didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you looked like you were sleeping well. I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep."

"What the heck! I am never trusting you again!" I looked back away from him. I couldn't stand looking at him anymore. Annoying little-

"I guess that's another point to me ay?"

his chosen one | jjk (long hold) Where stories live. Discover now