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hey guys,

i bring you sincere apologies to say that i've decided to bring the story down. 

to some of you, it may not be a care at all considering my book may be long forgotten in your library/bookshelf, but to those who'd anticipated an update since the last time id updated, which, in shame i recall is 6 months ago, i am genuinely sorry. 

for some of yous who know, i started writing this book at a young age having no plan in the direction this story was headed. now that i read over it, it in no way makes sense and has no connection for me to draw a conclusion.

this story was only written for my own satisfaction and as a hobby, and i'd never have guessed that it'd reach 100 views, let alone the 30k+ it actually has. 

i must say though, it's been great writing this story and reading over your beautiful comments that had inspired me to continue this story, but i've sadly lost motivation and interest.

if anyone has any recommendations or other resolutions to suggest, please chuck in some comments. 

thanks for your understanding and again, i'm sorry if this upsets anyone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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