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"What are you doing?"
Jungkook turns around to see a shocked Amber. He lets out a sigh of relief, glad that it wasn't Kat.
"Jungkook what did you do to her?" Amber raises her voice when she sees you unconscious.
"It's not me. Please I can explain."

"Put her down and walk away right now." Jungkook gently puts her down while leaving the key down as well.
"Please just let me-" she cuts him off. "no! Go away." Jungkook begins to take steps towards the elevator.

'But what if y/n asks what happened? And what if her friend says that I took her home and y/n goes and tells this to Kat. We'll all be in trouble.' Jungkook thought as he turned back to Amber.


I was coming back from a long day and as I step out the elevator I see Jungkook carrying y/n. Y/n doesn't even look awake. What has he done to her? I yell at him and told him to leave. He walks off but a few seconds later he turns back.
"Stay back."
"No, I can't. You need to let me explain, y/n's in danger." He had worry in his eyes. Fear, written all over his face.

Something in me told me to listen but flashbacks of Kats story replayed in my mind.
"What type of 'danger'"

"Danger as in you may never see her again."
My heart beat almost skipped and just hearing those words made me scared. Was this a prank? I look up at him and he looks just as worried as I am. I needed to know the truth. I opened the door and allowed him in. I told him to take a seat in the lounge room while I went and put y/n in bed. Jungkook wasn't some stranger. So I trust him- a little.
After tucking y/n in, I walked out closing the door behind me and went to the lounge room.
I sat on the couch opposite him and nodded my head, signalling him to proceed with the explanation.
"Before I start, I need to know that you trust me and that you won't go telling anyone. This is really serious and there could be consequences" He seemed pretty serious to me.
I take in a gulp before speaking. "I promise."

"It's Kat. Kat may be a nice person but she's much worse. It may be hard to trust because your friends with Kat, but it's true." Something in me told me to just hear him out. I saw so much of worry in his eyes. I almost felt bad.
"But Jungkook. Was it true that you....you cheated on her?" I had to ask.
"What? Cheat. On her?" He looked lost. I nodded. "The other day, y/n questioned why you're always upset. Kat told us that you cheated on her and then the girl you cheated with broke up with you. Is that true?"

He scoffed.
"Is this girl serious. Why would I-" he was turning red and I could see him clench his fist.
I questioned him cause he didn't talk for a while "She lied?" He only nodded. I sighed in disbelief. How could Kat do such thing. But none of this explains why y/n was unconscious. "So what happened to y/n?"

"Kat took her to the club and made her drunk. She didn't have any drinks for herself. I'm assuming she tried to make her unconscious like she is now and then possibly...." he paused and sighed. "I don't know. Possibly kidnap or- I really don't know what she's planning now but all you need to know is that y/n is in danger and that you need to keep her as far away from Kat as possible."

This disgusted me. Everything. Kat. Her stupid lies. Even making y/n drunk and planning to do something to her. But now that I think about it. Why y/n? what has she done? "Jungkook. Do you know why she's aiming for y/n?"

He shook his head. But it confused me. How did Jungkook know about this. How did Jungkook know Kat was aiming for y/n. Was this perhaps his revenge on Kat? Was all this he was saying fake? Who can we trust now a days? Everyone's against each other.
"How do you know that Kats aiming for y/n?" He was silent. He looked lost of words. "As much as I want to tell you, I can't. I can't tell anyone. Kat can find out. I've seen what she's capable of. I'm- we're too weak for her. If only I can tell people what I'm going through." Tears start forming in his eyes. I get up and go get a glass of water for him. I trust him. Not hundred percent. But surely more than I trust Kat. I give him the glass and we sit in silence for a while.

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