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A/N: Hey! Just wanted to state, that 'Queensland' is a state in Australia and its known for its beaches. Please feel welcome to search it up for a clearer imagination of the story....ty xx


"Y/n, wake up."

I wake up to the sound of Ambers soft whispers and the continuous elbow nudges. My eyes take a while to adjust to the surrounding bright light that reflected through the window beside me.

Queensland. We were here.

I stretch my arms letting out a soft yawn, earning a comment to escape Jungkooks lips.

"Look who's finally up"

I look up at him, giving him a blank look. "Did you miss me?" I ask giving him a smirk.

He let out a chuckle. "You wish."

"Tchh." I click my tongue and look back out the window I sat beside.

I watched as the buildings and transports increased in size as the plane came near to its landing.

After a few minutes that had felt like hours, the plane wheels had soon met with the ground.

After pilots permissions, we all slowly began taking our bags from the above cabins, and leaving the plane.

As I stepped out the plane, the sun rays blistered through my skin. It was only a few seconds, before I had broken down into sweats that had slithered down my skin.

We walk in the airport, picking up our luggage's, and making our way out the other entrance, towards the pickup and drop off.

Arm burning from pain, I finally drop it by my side when a taxi driver had caught my attention.

He steps out the car, opening up the boot for us to load up with our bags. Jimin gets into the front seat, considering he knew the details of our house more than us.

I sat beside the window, staring at the unfamiliar setting. The drive was full of silence, only the car and the surrounding environment to be heard.

The car slowed down, as it drove into a driveway in front of a large, two story house. We all stepped out the car, grabbing our bags from the boot and bringing it to the front door. Amber knocked on the door waiting for a response. After a few minutes, a lady appeared at the entrance, greeting us with a warm smile.

"Hello! Come on in!" she welcomes allowing us to bring in our bags to the front area. This place was huge especially considering that there was only four of us.

"So welcome all to your new place. I am Kristy, owner of this house, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. Now, I will show you around so if you would like to please follow me." She informs, leading us around the house.

The large front hall that we started in, was in front of the kitchen which included a walk in pantry, a dining room beside it and a laundry room on the other side. Then it was up stairs where we had a hallway that included two large bedrooms, each with their own bathrooms and a balcony at the end of the hallway.

"So that's just the basics of the rooms. Now considering you guys are staying here for just under a month, I have only prepared a few things for you guys. You guys will need to do some shopping to buy the rest. Tonight's dinner ingredients are in the fridge and pantry, there are some cleaning supplies in the cupboard over there and there is also a first aid kit just in case. Any questions?"

We all turn to each other, and shake our heads.

She claps her hands together and concludes. "Great! Well here are your keys and if you need any questions or help, just call me. My number is on the fridge too. Enjoy your stay!" She walks out the door shutting it behind her.

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