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"Meet Shanice, my girlfriend."

G-girlfriend? I was on the urge to let all my cries out. But then she nudged him on the stomach with her elbows and they both broke into laughter.

"He's just kidding. I'm his cousin, we're just meeting up after a while." Shanice said lending her hand out for a hand shake.

I let out a breath of relief. I shook her hand and spoke. "Well it's nice meeting you. I'm y/n. What would you guys like to order?"

After getting their orders in and giving it to them, they headed out the cafe. I Watched them leave and a smile crept onto my face. I couldn't hold it back. I was just too happy. I squeezed my eyes in joy and that's when I must have made it obvious because Jungkook asked me a question that made my whole face blush red.

"Seems like someone has a little crush..." he says smirking and leaning on the counter.

I turn to face him and push him away from the counter. "Yah! When did you come!?" I yell since no one but him was here. I start moving away from the counter and he answers my question.

"I got bored! I wanted to see someone so I came here"

I scoff, rolling my eyes at his excuse as i pull out the cloth to wipe down the coffee mixer. "Do I look like an entartainment piece to you?"

"Yep." His reply was enough to have me roll my eyes again, but I give no further reply.

"Anyways, during the two month holiday that's coming up, will you be working?" He asks but before I could reply, my manager from behind speaks.

"No. She will be having a break." Shocked from the sudden reply, I quickly turn to him and bow. "Oh! Manager Young!"

"Ahh..no need to show respect to this old man." He says patting his chest. He starts walking around the counter and over to Jungkook. He places a hand on his shoulder and quietly tells Jungkook, "so since I've let her have that break, she must work hard now. That includes her not being distracted, so be a nice boyfriend and come back later to pick her up. Y/n's busy now."

Before I could forget to tell I quickly corrected Manager Young. "Oh no! He's not my boyfriend" I say letting out laughs in between.

He lets out a short laugh too and lets his hand drop from Jungkooks shoulder. "Well then, future boyfriend, come for y/n later."

A little embarrassed of his words, the colours of pink brush my cheek but I quickly move away from behind the counter and go towards the back tables, making sure Jungkook doesn't see my flustered cheeks. I hear the entrance door bell ring, so that probably meant Jungkook left. I could still feel my cheeks burning hot of embarrassment. 'Future boyfriend'. Pfft, yeah right..

With that thought kept in mind, my cheeks wouldn't refuse to go back to its normal colour. I finish wiping down the last table but just as I turn around, I gasp in fright when I see Jungkook still sitting on the table. Was he there that whole time?

A short laugh escapes his lips and he gets up. "Aww.. look at this," He starts walking forward and then pinches my cheeks. "Someone looks a little flustered," I quickly pull away from him and cup my cheeks to hide the blushing that won't even budge.

"Yah! You were supposed to leave. Wait... Didn't the bell-" I turn to the entrance, pointing at the door where a bell was attached.

He nods and then answers. "It was Manager Young who left."

I narrow my eyes at him and then start pushing him towards the door. "Okay, well thank you for your presence but as Manager said, I'm busy. Bye!" I lock the door and see his half shocked and upset face through the glass door. I flip the 'closed' sign towards him so he could leave. I walk away from the door and continue cleaning up the area.

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