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One after the other, tears trembled down your stained cheeks, dripping from your chin and soaking your sleeves. Your eyes were flooded of tears as you watched the waves that lapped each other. You distanced your self far enough from the others so they couldn't hear you.

What did he mean; "she's not my daughter"? You were seeking lost answers. But they're still not found. All these years, you loved your father. But you didn't know it had an expiry date.

As he'd said those cruel words and slammed the door, you remembered your mothers cries. The worry in your mother's tone when she realised you were on the call. But you remained silent so she'd think you didn't hear it. But you heard it all.

Once your cries had vanished, you became more aware of the time. Your feet dug into the cold sand as you pushed yourself up, hands brushing off at your legs. You look up where not too far was the balcony of your house. As your distance begun to slowly close in, your eyes shift to something that stood before you.

It was a male figure and through the fades of darkness, you weren't able to figure who it was at first. Each step closer, as you began to take slower and smaller ones, your eyes widened when you realised the familiar face. Taking your last step, you felt as if you'd collapse any moment then.

It happened to be one of those suspicious guys you'd seen earlier. The taller one. The one who stole from the shop.

He stopped in front of your house entrance not allowing you to go further. You were scared. You didn't know what to do next. You were only a few meters away from the house but he was closer. You couldn't risk it. You knew there was another entrance but that meant running. And you chose that. You turned around to escape his trap, but you didn't realise the other guy that had silently followed behind you.

The taller man grips on both your hands as he muffled your mouth with the other. You screamed through your covered mouth but you knew it was no where near enough to get help. You felt suffocated as you tried to get out his grip but you failed repeatedly. Your eyes shift and the necessity to get help from someone was beyond desperation. You used your legs to kick him but it had caused you to fall to your knees. Your eyes squeeze shut, tears working their way out your lidded eyes, once again.


Shoulders slump, I sat up in bed, wondering where y/n had gone and why she'd taken so long. Pulling the blanket off, I check the room again along with the bathroom before heading downstairs. I'd done laps around and even called out her name. She wasn't there. As my suspicion began to increase, I head back upstairs and walk onto the balcony for last hope.

I swiftly turned to leave the balcony until I heard a few murmurs. I lean over the balcony railing and my eyes are caught on three figures. I squinted, eyes adjusting to the darkness and realised one of them were y/n. I briskly ran back in, jolting Jimins door open and slamming on the lights.


From all my alarming, I'd managed to wake up both of them.

"J-Jimin" I began to stutter, tears escaping my glossy eyes. I was too shocked of the scene that I wasn't able to speak.

"Amber?" Jimin leaves the comfort of his bed and puts both his hands on my shoulder. "Shh, breathe- what happened?"

"I-it's y/n"

In the corner of my eyes, I see Jungkook shoot up from his bed and make his way towards me.

"What happened to her?"

"I c-can't explain. J-just come-" I stammered, tugging at Jimin's shirt as he followed me out onto the balcony. Jungkook had followed along and their eyes widen by the second. I see Jungkook rush downstairs already out the front door.

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