Chapter 26 - Taken Away

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I walked up the stairs of 221B, it was quiet as it always was. I opened the door to my old flat, dust was visable everywhere, dancing in the light from the sun that crept through the window. So much memory. The two chairs still sat there, nothing had changed, his experiments still visable on the kitchen bench. I looked in the mirror, past cases still attached to the mirror but through them a crack of mirror was visable.

That crack represented the line breaking our family and our bond.

The curtains were pulled closed only a sliver of light running past Sherlock and John's chairs. I felt the tears sting my eyes as memories of the past started to pour in. Happy ones and Sad ones.

I was too caught up in emotions that I didn't notice a person enter after me. Thinking it was Mrs Hudson I let myself fall to my knees and sob.

Instead of warm arms around me I heard the click of a gun. My sobbing seized and I turned to see Sebastian Moran behind me, a gun in his hand pointed at my head. I sighed, resistance was useless.

"Thought you'd come back 'ere some time Miss Watson..." he said sourly.

"What do you want Sebastian?" I asked annoyed.

"I want you to tell me where John Watson is" he asked venom in his tone.

"Why?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"Reasons..." he answered.

"Why would I tell you?" I said calmly still kneeling on the floor. He gestured to his gun. "You going to kill me?"

"No, you're going to kill yourself. Your'e going to Fall just like your Sherlock."

I stood up.

"Then I shall Fall."

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