Chapter 21 - The Years By

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Freya's POV
Three years, three long devastating years it was since I last saw John smile, since I last felt happy, since I last saw Sherlock.
Crime was at a high once more in the city of London. The police out of their depths as always, as Sherlock would say just before he whipped out his brilliant mind and dazzled (but mostly piss off) all around him. Lestrade had asked John and I a few times to check out various crime scenes but John kept telling him he couldn't go back to that life again or that he wasn't Sherlock. This lead to many days of just the two of us cramped into this small modern flat that John moved into with his girlfriend Mary.
Oh yeah, her. John met her 2 years after Sherlocks death, but not before trying various relationships with other girls before hand. They have know each other for about 6 months now, and she is already pregnant. To be perfectly honest I'm fuming about the whole baby ordeal, it seems to be the only thing she wants to talk about. Never even took a second look at me after she met John. Pretty sure she doesn't care about me and vise versa.
John, he definately could be better. I know how he felt about Sherlock, and I'm pretty sure he still does. And I know how Sherlock felt about John of course... If only! If that bastard Moriarty didn't show up and ruin everything we had tried to develop, the perfection and imperfection of our family. It is strange how one thing can impact another so hard.
As for me, I have been getting on. I visit Sherlock every so often, talk to him about things but it's not the same. I would talk to John but everyday I just feel like I'm growing more and more distant from him. I make sure to visit Mrs Hudson who will always talk about how lonely and quiet it was in Baker St now. She said she even missed the body parts in the fridge and the experiments on the table and of course the violin playing at 3 in the morning. I told her about Mary, at first she though she was a him. Poor Mrs Hudson, she knew as well as I that the two were in love.
Mary was trying to get me to go to school, because it was apparently the law. Well hang the law I say, I'm not leaving John. Speaking of the law, I haven't spoken to Mycroft since Sherlocks funeral. No idea what he has being doing or should I say.. who. Pretty sure he still getting comfy with Lestrade, which I find absolutely hilarious. Imagine Sherlock right now, gagging every time Mycroft is in the room because he can probably tell if Mycroft's been shagging Lestrade the night before.
But, Sherlock. He's been gone nearly three years and already it seems as if the apocalypse is upon us.
But that was all about to change very soon...

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