Chapter 29 - Watching Over

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Sherlock and Freya watched as Lestrade comforted John, their John. Freya was wearing Sherlocks scarf to keep warm since her some of her clothes lay on the shore burnt and damaged.

Sherlock told her to take them off. They were fugitives now, if anyone dangerous found out they were dead, they were goners. Sherlock held a comforting arm around Freya as the two watched on waiting for the day they could come forth and see their John again.

"What are we going to do now?" Freya asked, still watching the scene before them.

"I..." Freya heard Sherlock's voice crack in a way that would break the bravest of hearts. She looked up to the Detective, tears fell freely down his cheeks and she help but let some fall free as well. The great Sherlock Holmes was heartbroken and it made her sad. "I don't know..."

She hugged him tighter not letting go.

"We're not alone Sherlock..." she soothed.

"But we are..." he said sadly. "I need him Freya, we need John Watson". She smiled up at him. Now was the time to tell him. Tell him the truth behind it all what the two have been hiding from each other for too long.

"He loves you Sherlock..." she whispered just loud enough so he could hear her words. She felt his heart pace quicken as she leant away. "increased pulse, dilated pupils..." she deduced cheekily.

"Your deductions skills are getting better..." he commented with a warm smile.

"Yes I think they are..." she laughed "that plus he told me..." she looked back up at him.

"Caring is a defect found on the losing side..." Sherlock said sadly.

"Love is a much more powerful affect". She replied. Sherlock put an arm around her, and held her close. She swear she felt a slight tingling in her arm where his hand was but she ignored it thinking it was just warm fuzzies.
"I'm sorry Freya" he said slowly. Looking at her.
"For what?" she asked yawning, suddenly feeling very tired.
"For this" he said simply. Freya felt her knees collapse underneath her slowly.
"Wha- Sherloc-" he pulled something out of her arm, a needle. Her eyes widened as she fell to the ground clutching onto Sherlock.
"You promis- you promised you'd come back" she said tears flooding her eyes as her vision started to fade.
"I know... I will" he whispered. Freya lost all consciousness, and fell into a deep sleep.
Sherlock proceeded to pick her up, carrying her bridal style. Towards the nearest hospital.
He looked back to where John was still crying on his knees.
"I'm sorry John" he murmured to himself. Before turning away into the busy street.

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