Chapter 10 - Home at 221B

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*Time lapse*

Third Person

It took Sherlock less than a week to figure out who was behind the murders. Turns out the murderer was targeting Mycroft through Freya after they had learnt about their little organisation with the homeless network.

The case was closed and Mycroft called off the mission completely. Afraid it brought up to much risk to the people involved.

Freya was taken to her new home 221B Baker Street with her new family, John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. There she would have to endure the countless times when Sherlock would shoot the wall and leave body parts fridge. But above all that she observed one thing.

Sherlock and John were definately head over heals for each other.

It was cute to say the least. although the actions were subtle Freya would always notice the little eye twinkles, smiles and tension between the two. But of course she would keep this all a secret...

Freya's POV

At long last a had a place I could call home, a permanent home. I was thrilled. I followed John and Sherlock out of the back seat of the cab watching as a shiny black door came into clear view with the writing 221B in gold letters above a similar door knocker. Already this place felt like home.

Sherlock grabbed the knocker explaining he had left the keys in the flat. He knocked twice waiting before the door was opened by an older woman.

"Oh boys! Where have you been?" She gasped.

"The game is over Mrs Hudson for now" he reassured. She smiled lovingly at him before she saw me.

"Oh hello!" She exclaimed. "Who is this Sherlock?" John cut it.

"This is Freya" he explained, putting his hand on my shoulder. "My daughter". I smiled at his kind words.

"Well hello dear," she walked up and gave me a hug I returned it. "I'm Mrs Hudson the landlady..."

"Not the house keeper" Sherlock joked.

"Not the house keeper. Welcome to the family Freya!"

"Thankyou!" I was nearly crying with happiness.

"Oh you all look exhausted!" she clapped her hands. "Now up the stairs and I will be up in a little while with tea. Okay?"

"Sounds wonderful" John laughed.

I followed Sherlock and John up the stairs and into the flat. I was greeted with a cozy living room with two chairs facing each other, one with a Union Jack cushion atop it.

"It's lovely" I whispered.

"It's not much and a bit of tidy would do it good." John cleared his throat. "Sherlock..."

"Hmm?" Sherlock snapped out of his daydreaming.

"The kitchen." John whispered harshly.

"Oh right." Sherlock ran into the room next to us. I peeped in to notice Sherlock frantically shoving things off the island into a bin and placing what looked like science equipment in the cupboard and sink.

"Is it always this exciting?" I asked John.

"Oh I'm never bored" he laughed. "Although I can't exactly say the same for Sherlock." he pointed to the wall. A yellow smiley face smiled widely, bullet jokes littering it's picture.

"Oh" I said nodding. I looked at John as he did to me and we burst out laughing. I knew this place would be perfect.

Hey everyone!! It has been ages and I'm so sorry for the time lapse I just didn't know where to go sorry. But I have finally updated. It's a miracle!! Thanks for all your comments and votes and I hope to update again soon!

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