Chapter 27 - The Bridge

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Freya's POV

He made me stand on the edge, smiling wickedly as I took what could be my last step onto the edge.

"You deserve a fall, just like your dear father" he said.

"What if I don't jump?" I asked looking down at the mass of water below me. My head was spinning all I had to do was lean forward slightly and that was all.

"Don't you want rid of the pain? Join your Sherlock up in heaven with all the other angels?" I knew that Sherlock was alive, but I wasn't going to tell him that I played along. I turned around pulling out the hand gun that was hidden in my jacket. Sherlock had taught me that these were very handy. I pointed it at Sebastian's head.

"What if I was to shoot you now?" he laughed lowly and simply said.

"Boom" I clenched the gun harder. "Look around Freya" he gestured to all the people waking over the bridge. Some stopping and gasping when they saw me. "Life... it's horrible isn't it. Well I'm going to stop that..." he trailed off and looked at me with a smirk. "by stopping their hearts".

I knew what he was going to do. He was going to blow up the bridge and soon I saw them, bombs attached just over the side out of sight. I still held the gun in my hand. He rolled his eyes and pulled out his own gun pointing it at me.

"Unlike Jim, I always enjoy the dirty work..." I lowered my gun and chucked it over the edge making a small splash. "Wise move... now jump!" he shouted angrily, growing inpatient.

"How do I know you won't still blow up the bridge if I do jump?" I asked calmly.

"Well that'd be no fun wouldn't it? There'd be no thrill of seeing your face. Because you'd be dead!" he was getting more furious by the minute. I turned to face the water again.

"Just one step or one lean forward and it's all over you won't feel a thing... Who's going to care anyway?" my heart clenched. "you're alone... you will always be alone". He was right but he was wrong.

"Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm vulnerable..." I said coolly.

"Oh doesn't it? Well then I'm expecting a big surprise" he smiled smugly.

"Oh a huge surprise" he looked confused. He held the gun at me, it was shaking.

"Now I ain't falling for any of your tricks!" he yelled.

"But I am" I let my self fall, stepping off the bridge ever so slightly. I hit the water.


The water was cold, it hurt when I hit it. But I had to stay focused I reached the surface coughing up the Themes. Above me the bridge was engulfed in flame still blowing up bricks and wood toppled into the water I swam away so I wouldn't be hit by the rubble.

"Freya!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me it was Sherlock. He had come out in a life saving ring swimming towards me. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me and carrying me away towards the shore.

"Did everyone get off in time?" I asked.

"Yes, you distracted him for long enough he didn't realise the bridge was closing" we laughed. Sebastian was dead but now everyone thought I was dead too.

"I guess you're a fugitive like me..." I nodded sadly, what would John think. We reached the shore and watched as the bridge continued to burn and the crowds gathered around in shock. Police and Ambulance sirens were ringing through the air.

I could feel a warm tear run down my face as Sherlock held me tight, trying to share body warmth from the cold air.

"Are you ok?" he asked, I nodded my head and drew a deep breath shivering from the cold.

"He said I was alone... I would always be alone.." I said sadly.

"Alone protects us..." he replied sadly.

"I think you forget John's own view of that..." I looked up at him "Friends protect us". He drew a small smile, it was a real smile though. One only reserved for John and I.

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