Chapter 23 - Hard Run

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"Where is she?" John came storming into the hopsital wing where Freya was currently resting on a hospital bed her heart rate at a normal pace. He knelt down beside her and held her hand. "I'm here Freya don't worry, you'll be ok".

He heard someone walk in.

"Mr Watson your wife is just about to deliver her baby" the nurse explained.

"Oh my god..." he cursed "I can't leave my daughter..." he explained.

"Your wife requests you being there" John turned to look at his daughter and plopped a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Sorry I will be back, I promise" he said softly as he turned to leave he could have sworn he saw her face sadden.

Third Person

Sherlock had to see Freya. Undercover in hiding or not he had to see her. Sherlock burst into St Barts and ran to the front desk.

"Freya Watson" he asked pleadingly. The woman told me the room and he raced down the hallway.

When he got to her room he checked quickly to make sure John wasn't in there and then proceeded to the chair beside her bed. He sat there for awhile looking at her watching her breathing rate and getting excited everytime she would show some sign of movement.

He knew he didn't have much time before John would return. He figured that John would be a while with Mary. That cheating... son of a... liar! How dare she take John away from him!

Freya's POV

I knew he was there, I could hear him mumbling and sighing. I knew he was thinking about Dad. It was all so messed up, John deserved better than Mary. He deserved Sherlock and quite frankly Sherlock deserved him. They are meant for each other, they're my Dads.

I tried to open my eyes, speak, move but it was a while until I finally pryed my eyes open and there he was sitting beside me in his 'Mind Palace'.

"Sher..." I croaked out trying to get his attention. I tried for a simpler word.

"Dad..." I managed to say more cleary. Sherlock's eyes shot open and he rushed over to me.

"Freya, I'm so- so sorry, this is all my fault!" tears were in his eyes and I grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"Please Sherlock..." I asked "Come back..." he leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead like John had.

"Not yet but soon I promise" he said to me. I smiled, that was good news at least. "Now I bet your father is keen to see you" he helped me up and I detached my drip and walked to where I pressume Mary was having the baby. It hadn't happened yet Sherlock assured me. Would John, figure it out? It was all to cloudy to see what the upcoming events would be.

Sherlock stood outside and gave me a nod, I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Until next time" he said softly and he walked away. I hobbled into the room to see a sight I knew I would regret to see.

My Dad was down on one knee in front of Mary with a velvet box. He opened it and there was a ring. The ring that would destroy Sherlock's love and break his heart.

"Yes!" Mary squealed. John placed the ring on her finger, a fake smile on his face. I had to get out, I didn't belong here anymore I began to walk backwards when John spotted me.

"Freya!" he exclaimed and with that ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I felt like I was going to pass out but I had to find Sherlock.

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