Chapter 14 - JM

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It was dark and cold, if Freya didn't know otherwise, thanks to the echoing sounds through the room, she would believe she was dead. Her back ached and she could feels the pins and needles in her ankles and wrists. Yep, she was kidnapped, again. Great.

She took and deep breath trying to regulate her breathing again so she could wake up and beat the shit out of who ever was behind this.

Her eyelids slowly opened, bringing her towards the bright, white light that surrounded her.

"Aghh" she groaned as she tilted her to adjust her eyes. She looked around, she seemed to be in some kind of office block. She tried to get free but she was tied to the chair with some strong rope.

'Well that explains the pins and needles then' she sighed. She noticed a door on the other side of the room was slightly ajar.

'Too risky' she thought. She liked over to her left. The wall was made up of large windows all across it. Huge cream blinds blocked her view to the outside and probably anyone's view to the inside. She tried to jump a little in the chair so she could get to the window to see where she was.

Just as she reached halfway a person, probably the kidnapper enter.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" he spoke slowly in a sly tone. Freya glared at the man, he was a short build, with black slicked back hair and a light stubble. He wore a suit that looked like it had the liven daylights ironed out of it.

"Who are you?" she spat, clearly pissed off at the situation. The man laughed.

"Most the time I wouldn't tell the victim for identity reasons and mambo jambo, but in your case, I'll tell you 'cause it will be the last name you'll ever hear" he smirked. Freya glared at him, challenging him to go further. "Jim Moriarty. Hi" he laughed. Freya cocked her head.

"Hi" she smiled sarcastically.

"You don't seem very scared, Freya" he explained.

"Why would I be, you don't seem very frightening."

"Well!" he chuckled "you are going to die here".

"Hmmm, no I'm not" she cocked her head again. "Now I would suggest for your own wellbeing you set me free before my fathers find you here. Trust me neither will falter to shoot you on sight." she promised. He laughed clicked his tongue between his teeth.

"You know people hate a smart arse". he explained.

"You know people hate people that kidnap other people just for fun" she smiled sarcastically. He leaped forward and grasped her around the neck. Freya coughed and tried to keep breathing.

"You know I don't like to get my hands dirty. Which is why I shall get someone in to do that thing exactly" he threw her head to the side.

"You're despicable" she croaked.

"No I'm not" he called in a sing song voice as he exited the room.

Freya hung her head, until she heard the door open once more. She looked up to see the person.

"George?" she coughed. "What the hell are you doing?!" she cried.

"I'm sorry Freya, it's my job" he replied.

"Your job?!" she screamed "You live on the street! How did you come across a psycho murderer?"

"He found me, he hired me, he threatened to kill me if I didn't give him information on you" he said walking closer. She caught a faint glimmer of a knife in his hands.

"Why me?" she asked.

"To get to Sherlock Holmes" he answered. He was now only a metre away. "Time to chose a side, Freya". he explained, holding the knife out.

"I think we both know the answer to that" she said softly.

"I'm sorry" he said as he brought the knife up to cut her across the cheek. She hissed in pain as the blood started to trickle down her face. He grabbed her arm and twisted it while it was still bound. Freya cried out as she felt a crack in her wrist before pain. He slid the knife down deep on the inside of her arm, watching as the blood flowed out everywhere. Freya felt the tears fall down her face as she silently sobbed. He slapped her across the face.

"Shut up!" he yelled harshly. Freya looked up at the boy, through her tears she could see he was crying too.

He kneeled down eye level with her and kissed her on the lips. Freya pulled her head away as soon as he broke it.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

"Not you're not" she spat. He pecked her on the cheek and left the room, slamming the door behind him. The lights went out and the room was black again. Freya began to cry, her shoulders shaking in her harsh breaths.

"Help me, oh god help me"

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