Chapter 24 - Stay With Me

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Sherlock's POV

As I walked out the hospital, I heard a lot of comotion behind me. I turned to see Freya running with all her strength towards me bare foot and holding her drip in her hand. Tears were visable from a mile away something was wrong. I looked behind her to see John running up behind her, he would surely catch her. I motioned for her to follow me as I hid from the view of John. Freya followed and hid with me in an empty hospital room. I looked out the window and saw John run past.

I let out a deep breath and saw Freya was already sitting on the bed clutching her body in pain I quickly ran to her.

Freya's POV

I saw Sherlock ahead of me, I had to go with him. I was too distraught to stay with John, I would only make him sad. He turned and saw me and quickly motioned me to follow him. I was aching all over and I felt dizzy but I kept running I could hear Dad behind me. I followed Sherlock into a room out of view from John, and sat down on the bed. I wanted to apologise almost immediately for nearly jeopodising Shelock's cover, but I had to stay with him.

He walked over to me and sat beside me and put his arms around me and held me close. I felt safe and the pain started to fade away in his company.

"I'm sorry" I mananged a whisper. Sherlock looked down at me.

"What for?" he asked a soft tone in his voice.

"Everything..." I looked up at him "I would tell you what happened and why I acted so rash but I think you have already deduced it haven't you?" he nodded his head slowly. "Can I stay with you?" I asked, he shook his head.

"It's too dangerous and you can't leave John" he explained.

"But I don't matter to him anymore, he has a wife and a baby that's not even his that he is going to care for, I can't be a burden on him. I'm not even his real daughter... he was kind enough to take me in" I felt tears prick my eyes. I knew that it was true.

"Freya. You know I have never been one for sentiment. But from the first day I met you, you made me feel like John. You and John are the most important people in my life. You're my daughter and you are equally his." I looked up to see my Father looking down at me. I was proud to call Sherlock my dad, he was the closest thing to a family I ever had.

"Go Sherlock..." I told him "But please come back soon" with one final hug he left, I felt a tear run down my cheek, he was back.

I walked out of the room. Weak and sore from the running. Clutching hard onto my drip as I limped down the hallway.

"Freya!" I turned to see John running towards me, I smiled, then I felt myself collapse to the ground everything going dark again.

John's POV

What was she doing? She was going to hurt herself. I lloked around frantically for my daughter but I couldn't find her, what made her act that way? I was giving up hope when I saw her limping down the other end of the hallway.

"Freya!" I yelled she turned to me and smiled. Thank goodness she was ok. I went to smile back but then my heart stopped as I saw her collapse to the floor. I cried out and the nurses came running and soon she was on a stretcher again being taken back to her room.

They took her temperature and heart beat. Both had increased to a dangerous rate.

"Freya, what have you done...?" I mumbled to myself before I leant down and pressed a kiss against her forhead. Almost like a miracle her heart rate slowed and she was peaceful her breathing returning to a normal rate again.


I stayed with her this time, I wasn't going to let her run off. I felt myself drifting off but I forced myself to stay awake.

"Sher..." I heard a whisper and my eyes shot back open to see Freya talking to herself, but she wasn't awake. "Sher..." she said again I strained my eyes to try and make sense of what she was saying. "Sherlock..." She finally said. I felt my tears build up in my eyes. Why was she thinking of Sherlock? That man, I laughed to myself. I looked down at my hand to see the ring on my finger and immediatley I felt so guilty, I didn't love Mary, but Sherlock was dead wasn't he? He was dead.

I looked up to see Freya still lying there peacefully, her faced twitched a bit forming a small smile on her lips. What was happening to me? I shook my head. I was dreaming this wasn't happening he was dead, he is dead!

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