Chapter 13 - The Window

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Freya walked up to her room, a huge smile on her face. He was going to do it! Then they would be an official family and it would be amazing. She fell backwards softly onto her bed, and silently squealed into her hands.

'Wow I'm turning into a fangirl now' she thought. She rolled over on her side and curdled up, suddenly noticing her window was open and was letting in a cold breeze.

'That's funny, don't remember opening the window today' she walked over and tried to shut it, but she noticed the lock was broken and it wouldn't close.

'What the?' she paused. She wasn't alone. She stood up and tried to walk out of the room pretending she hadn't noticed anyone. But just before she reached the door, it slammed shut and she was forced against it by a pair of strong arms. The figure placed a damp cloth over her mouth she tried to hold her breath and not breath in the chemicals but it was no use. Just as she drifted away, she recognised the figure who had attacked her.

"Geor-" she muttered before she passed out on the floor.

The man picked up the girl, in his arms before placing her in a body bag, with holes punctured so she could breath. He carefully hauled her over his shoulder and proceeded to climb out the window to meet his boss at the car.

"Did you leave the note?" an Irish voice sounded from inside the vehicle.

"Yes sir" the boy relied.

"Good, because you know as well as anyone, if you screw up you will be punished" his voice was cold and sharp.

"Understood sir" the boy gulped.

"Good, bring her in George. I have an important person to message."

George?! What are you doing? Plot!!! Sorry it was a short chapter (: Ellie

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