Chapter 30 - Freya Watson-Holmes

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John's POV

I rushed into the hospital minutes after I got the call. I ran up to the front desk, smacking my fists against it to wake up the sleeping attendant.

"A girl just came in, Freya!" I yelled. Wide eyes and worried the attendant pointed down the hall way to the Emergency room. I nodded and jogged down the hallway into the room.

"I'm sorry sir you cannot enter at the moment, we are attending to a patient who needs intensive care" the doctor came towards me gesturing out the door.

"I'm a doctor" I explained. He shook his head, I was desperate to see Freya. He tried to lead me out. "No!" I shouted, I went weak tears spilling down my cheeks. "Please she is my daughter, this is all my fault..." I explained pitifully. The doctor sighed and let me into the small room which was separated from the rest of the area.

I walked in slowly. Closing the door behind me with a click. I walked up to the bed. Freya's face was lit up with a dim light. She looked pale and sick, the mere sight of her nearly ended me. I knelt down beside her and took her hand in mine. Lowering my head I began to talk to her. I hadn't in a while, I needed to talk to her wether she was listening or not.

"Freya, I don't know if you are listening to me or if you can hear me at all but..." My voice cracked but I carried on "I want you to know you have every right to be mad with me. I have treated you badly ever since Sher- Sherlock left us and I can't say how much I'm sorry. You were the only one who was there for me, as I should have been for you. Mary only made me forget, you told me to not. I love you Freya, with all my heart and I cannot beg enough for your forgiveness..." a single tear rolled down my cheek and I let it sit there. "You are the bravest, most stubborn, caring girl I have ever known and I am proud to call you my daughter. So please one last thing... Don't leave me... Please, I need you..." I drifted off and then all the happy memories of our past with Sherlock started flooding in like a tidal wave. It was both happy and sad. "I miss him you know. I know you do too. I suppose if this is a last time to say it, to tell you honestly. To answer a question you asked many times... I loved- ". I was cut off when a nurse came bustling into the room, she seemed relieved to see me.

"John Watson?" she asked, I nodded still holding Freya's hand. "Will you please follow me, I have some questions and I presume you have some as well." She walked out again. I sighed and popped a quick kiss on Freya's forehead and followed after the nurse.


She took me into a small office place and told me to take a seat.

"Now Mr Watson, I shall let you start anything you wish to know or clarify?" She asked curiously busily typing away at her computer. I cleared my throat and asked the question that had been nagging at the back of my head for a while.

"Yes um- how did she get here?" the nurse seemed confused. "Well I was at the scene and they said they didn't find her body how did she end up here?"

"Oh right" the nurse half laughed. "A man brought her in, didn't say his name. Told us that she would be ok and she just needed rest and treatment because she fell into the water. Also he was all wet so I assume he got in and saved her as well..." I raised an eyebrow. No one knows Freya well enough to do that for her. Mycroft? No he wouldn't do that... and Lestrade was at the scene afterwards.

"No name?" I asked curiously. The nurse shook her head and continued typing. I sat there puzzled.

"Now you are her adoptive father I presume?" She asked.

"Yes I am". I replied slowly.

"May I ask for her last name please?" She asked again still typing and clicking.

"Well it's Watson... Freya Watson you know, I'm John Watson." I answered cautiously.

"Right yes well you see they're are no results for Freya Watson..." she replied.

"What do you mean she has a birth certificate I signed the papers... It was all clarified!" I explained getting very worried. "There must be a mistake what are the results?" I asked pushingly.

"There is only one other result..." she explained.


"Freya Watson-Holmes..."

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