Chapter 12 - Making it canon

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After seeing the Johnlock craze on the Internet, Sherlock had obtained a new kick in winning over his John. He was now more than ever determined to get his blogger.

Freya was there for support for every second of it. Carefully watching John to see his reactions to Sherlocks new found fondness. It is true the consulting detective has been crushing on his blogger for a while now but he hadn't done anything about it.

He started his mission by being particularly helpful around the flat for John. One day when John returned late from work, he found the kitchen completely spotless with a nice meal sitting on the table for him.

"Freya!" he called his daughter she walked into the kitchen.

"Whoa" she exclaimed, when she saw how clean it was. She was going along with the plan.

"Did you do this?" John asked. Freya shook her head.

"No I didn't" she shrugged.

"Oh Mrs Hudson then" he laughed.

"Mrs Hudson hasn't been in the flat since yesterday" she explained.

"Wait, so you're telling me that Sherlock did this?" He stated.

"Think so." she smiled. Watching her dads face turn softer with a hint of a smile. Project canon was working already.

"Where is he?" he asked, curiously. Sitting down at the table to start his meal.

"Buying the milk" she explained, trying not to laugh by biting her lip. John nearly choked on his dinner.

"What?!" he spluttered.

"He wanted to help you by getting the milk and making dinner for you. Because he thought you deserved it." she explained. John felt warmth flood his stomach and tried to hide a blush for creeping up his neck, but his daughter all ready saw.


The next time Sherlock did something for John was when the two were bickering as usual one night about Sherlock not eating enough, the detective purposely let John win and he ate for him. John smiled at his achievement.

'Well that was surprisingly easy' he thought confidently. Freya walked in after the shouting had stopped to find Sherlock eating his dinner. He saw her and shot her a discrete wink while John wasn't looking. She smiled as John saw her.

"Hey Frey, sorry about that" he scratched the back of his head.

"That's okay" she laughed "I'd ask what it was you two were arguing over this time but then I already think I know" Sherlock pouted and continued eating. Most children would get upset with their parents fighting this much, but deep down, Freya knew that they loved each other and would never stay mad for long. Also their fights were like a mother and her five year old son. The five year old son being Sherlock of course.

Sherlock smiled triumphantly when he finished the meal and passed John the plate as his crush went to wash up.

Freya stuck her thumbs up in congratulations to Sherlock, he smiled.


"I'm going to do it" Sherlock suddenly stated. Freya looked up from her book "The Hobbit" which was her favourite to face her father.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm going to ask John on a date" he explained. Freya's face lit up and she clapped her hands together.

"Finally!" she exclaimed.

"I have been deducing his reactions to my affections over the last few months and I can now happily say I'm sure he feels the same way!" he said excitedly.

"No shit Sherlock!" Freya laughed.

"Fuck off Watson" he laughed.

"Oh I see how it is!" she laughed again throwing a pillow at his head. He threw one back.

"Oh it's on!" he laughed as he threw the Union Jack square at her face.

They continued like that for a while, narrowly missing some breakable objects and laughing.

"I'm home!" John called as he entered the flat, just as Sherlock threw a pillow hitting John in the face. "Ouch" he squeaked. Freya found herself rolling on the floor laughing her head off. Sherlock gasped and covered his mouth with his hands.

"Oh god John! I'm so sorry" he laughed. John pretend to start crying and Sherlocks happiness started to fade. "John?" he asked softly. John immediately stopped acting surprising the detective, and brought a pillow from behind his back and chucked it at Sherlock. "John!" he cried laughing. John laughed.

"Tricked ya Sherl!" the battle started once more. Before Mrs Hudson came up complaining that they would break something and to go to bed because it was late. Freya knew what she had to do, so she got up and said goodnight to her fathers with hugs and kisses. Before she left she mouthed 'Do it' to Sherlock. Who nodded with a smile.

"Night!" she called once more before leaving.

Sherlock and John were left in comfortable silence. Before Sherlock sucked in a breath to ask John.

"John- " he started before his phone went off with a text. He rolled his eyes and groaned irritably.

"Hang on" John told him with a smile. He walked in and grabbed Sherlock's phone. Eyes widened as he saw who the message was from.

"Just ignore it John it's probably Lestrade. I have to ask you something important..."

"It's not Lestrade" he said handing Sherlock the phone. The sector unlocked and read the message:

Been a while Sherly. I see you have achieved a nice family life then whilst I have been away, ay? But your not a very good parent are you? You see most parents would tuck their children into bed.

Come and Play.

- JM

Sherlock chucked the phone on the couch racing to Freya's room, John following quickly behind.

"Sherlock what the hell is going on?!" John yelled as they climbed the stairs.

"Freya! Freya!" Sherlock shouted barging her door down running over to her bed. He was too late. She was gone, a note was left lying on the bed.

Bad Parent Sherlock.

Sherlock screamed grabbing the paper and scrunching it into a ball before chucking it out the window.

The window. It was open.

He ran over, the kidnapper must have got in through the window and escaped out that way too. He looked down to street. A man below spotted him and ran into a black car that took off few seconds later.

"Shit" Sherlock exclaimed. Running out of the room, down the stairs and onto the street. The car was gone. He collapsed onto his knees.

"No no no!!" he shouted.

"Moriarty has her doesn't he" John said quietly behind him, head hung low. Tears threatening to spill.

Sherlock walked over to his John. Lifting his chin with his fingers, and staring at John in the eyes.

"Not for much longer" he said determinately, placing a small kiss on his forehead. "I promise". John smiled, he wanted to kiss him then and there, but it wasn't the right time, another day.

"To Scotland Yard!"

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