Chapter 6 - All Alone

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Freya's POV

This was no mere coincidence, I had found three bodies of dead people over the past three weeks. I know someone is setting me up, I have to be careful. I have stopped looking after the homeless it is too dangerous. I'm in hiding, never staying in the same place, not that I ever have. Mycroft has said no word I have heard nothing. I don't think he cares but I guess he never did. Now I am a refugee in my city and no one cares. Not the police, not Mycroft or the homeless at that. I'm on my own and I'm being targeted by who knows who for who knows what reason. I am alone. 

(Back to third person)

Freya made her way through the ever winding streets of London, avoiding contact and conversation. She her beanie low on her head and her scarf high, to keep the cold out and so she wouldn't be recognized. But who would recognize her? She didn't know a soul outside the homeless network and Mycroft.

She hurried through the rising traffic, it was mid morning and the traffic was at it's peek. The smell of cigarettes hung in the air as she was pushed and knock around by what she thought must of been the entire population of London. It most certainly felt like it at least. But it was the best place to be out here no on would even think for a second to look at her twice. Her clothes matched what any privileged Londoner would were only thing was she wasn't privileged, she didn't even have a home. 

'Don't think so negative Freya!' she told herself. Most the time she could cope with the fact that she was alone that she had no where to go. It might sound awful but it really did not occur to her for a second. That was until she remembered that she was getting set up for murders she did not commit by a dangerous serial killer. What she couldn't figure out was why? Why her? She wish she could answer her, but she knows no one well enough to know they would want to frame her. 

She turned down a alley way away from all the people and hid around a corner. Catching her breath and closing her eyes ever so slightly. It had been a week since she had slept properly. Freya was hungry but she always was, it was nothing new to her.

"Hello there beautiful..." came a slimy voice from down the alley. She opened her eyes to see a stumpy man coming from the shadows with looked like a club held in his hands. "Got a penny to spare?" he asked a sly smile formed on his face. 

"If I had a penny I'd be rich..." she replied back bluntly. She had been in situations like this before she could handle it. The man laughed lowly stepping towards her.

"She thinks she's funny she does" another voice came out from the other side. A slighty taller her man, clearly with bad grammer skills. 

"She thinks she is a smart one Nath'" the other man laughed again. The two were getting closer. "She thinks she has been in this situation before". Freya started to worry, but did not show it, she had to be strong.

"Oh no this is on much higher levels sweet heart you see you just can't help but end up in the wrong place at the worng time can you?" the two men were a foot away from her now. The taller one pulled a bag. She knew what they meant she stepped out from the wall and into the alleyway still eyeing the men.

She examined her escape route but she knew it wouldn't be enough. She could out run them obviously but in order to get out she needed to take one out. 

"Sorry" she said innocently.

"What?" the short man asked confused. 

"I just can't help it" with that she threw a right hook punch across the shorter man's face, he cried and smashed into the wall. The other man went for her with the bag but she ducked, turned and tripped him with her leg before proceeding with a straight punch to the face. He too collapsed. 

She shook her hand slightly, looking at the blood on her knuckles and she took off down the path. She could hear the men behind her and  she ran as fast as she could knocking over the bins as she did. 

She tripped as she heard a bullet whistle past her head. 'Shit' she thought as she continued to run. More fires, luckily he had a bad shot, either that or he didn't want her dead, yet.

Freya's POV

I kept running as fast as I could. One moment I'm in hiding the next I'm running for my life. I looked a head and what I saw nearly made me cough up my heart. Dead End. I looked for a place to turn but I was trapped, I tried to climb grasping onto the cold stone and pulling myself up, I slipped and hit the ground hard as I fell. Shaking off the pain, I looked up my head slightly spinning from the adrenaline rush. 

I stood up slowly raising my hands as an offer of mercy. But my stare didn't change. I looked at them with digust as they smirked. I wanted to punch that look right off their faces. 

 "Ha ha that's more like it, you 'ought to do what we tell ya missy" The fat one still had a gun pointed at me. "Now come wi' us".The disadvantges of being alone, I was helpless. 

OOOOOOO Cliff hanger! Sorry about that I know they're horrible. So what do you think of Freya's character? I would love to know :) thankyou all for your support and the next part will be out soon...

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