Chapter 4 - Find Freya

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"How are we going to find her if she is homeless?" John asked as the cab pulled over beside them.

"Remember I told you about my homeless network?" Sherlock replied, climbing into the backseat.

"Yes, is she part of it?"

"No but I think they can help us find her..." Sherlock paused. "Piccadilly Circus" he told the cab driver.

"How do we know if she will help?" John questioned "Can we trust her?"

"I believe so, we won't know until we find her." he replied slowly. Sherlock continued to look out the window beside him as John amid weed the view from afar, Sherlock. His eyes traced every detail of Sherlock's perfect face and he couldn't help but sit in awe at his flatmate. Sherlock was truly beautiful, for a man. Maybe John was gay? But he couldn't be, he had never felt this way for another man before, but it felt so right.

John was snapped out of his little world when Sherlock spoke again, in that gorgeous baritone voice.

"You know John, this whole staring business is starting to worry me." He turned to look at John with raised eyebrows, while John looked away out the window. "are you alright?" Sherlock asked softly. This startled John a bit, Sherlock + sentiment?!

"Yeah, yeah fine..." To John's advantage the cabbie pulled over announcing that they had arrived. After some awkward coughing and mumbling the two paid the cab driver and exited the cab. Sherlock strolled ahead at a quick pace, John had to practically jog to keep up with Sherlock's long strides.

"So why are we here exactly?" John asked as he looked around the busy area. People were everywhere, transport finding it's way through the maze that is Piccadilly Circus.

"Homeless network... Should be at least someone around here" Sherlock replied plainly. He took a quick turn into an ally way, it was dim and not crowded with people, it was practically deserted.

"Now people will talk..." John said quietly.

"What?" Sherlock asked obviously not really listening, even though he was normally very interested in what John had to say.

"You taking me into a dark alley way with no people? People will talk..." he said, a laugh in his voice.

"Yes well... People do little else." Sherlock replied giving John a quick smile before turning down another dark path.

"Spare change?" came a voice from behind them. John nearly jumped out in shock as Sherlock turned with a small smile towards a young male teenager behind them. The boy held his hand out still looking at Sherlock intently.

"Well yes I do, George, but first I need information?" he said moving closer to the boy.

"Anything for you Mister Holmes" he said with a smile. He had a Scottish accent, and he was tall and skinny with short dirty blonde hair that was arranged messily on his head. Only slightly shorter than Sherlock, he was a well fit boy besides the obvious poverty related presentation. He nodded towards John who nodded back clearing his throat. Sherlock spoke again.

"Have you recently come across a young girl about your age who goes by the name of Freya?" The boy knew straight away who he was talking about.

"Well ah yes but not for a while.." he explained. Sherlock studied George, dilated pupils, obvious heart beat increase. Yes he definitely knew her or at least remembered her.

"How long exactly?" Sherlock asked again.

"About 3 weeks ago I think" he replied. "She comes and goes, but haven't seen her since the murders started, I think she is being careful, if the police find her at the scene again she will be put into questioning."

"Tell me more about her..." John asked suddenly. George nodded and continued to describe the girl.

"Well she is about 6 foot tall, skinny, long blonde curly hair, blue eyes, wears good clothes, smart, kind..." John cut him off.

"What does she do when she comes around?"

"She gives money, food, water and clothes to the homeless. She is homeless herself they say... no one knows where she gets the money from though, you see that's the mystery. She doesn't steal it for a fact but she gets the money from somewhere..." Sherlock quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number.

"Hello bother dear..."

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