Chapter 9 - Protected

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Freya's POV

My head was spinning, all I could see what as bright white light. I squinted my eyes to get my vision back to normal. I tried to move, but my limbs felt like jelly.

I can't remember what happened, or where I have ended up.

"Freya?" I heard a voice in the distance, it wasn't familiar in fact I have never heard it before. I tired to open my eyes again. It formed a faint figure looking over me.

"Who are you?" I asked. Still feeling woozy.

"John, John Watson" he replied. "Don't worry you're safe".

"Where am I?" I asked, my vision starting to come back.

"St Bart's Hospital" he explained.

"Hospital... why am I in hospital?" I asked.

"Long story but don't worry we will explain everything later, for now rest, you have been doing it tough."

"Mr Watson..." I explained, my eyes finally adjusting to the environment. I looked at the man he had soft brown eyes, and a kind face. "I've been doing it tough for the last ten years." I laughed.

"I know." he said softly.

I felt myself fall asleep once more, knowing now that I was safe. I have never felt this way before, but it was warm.

John's POV

I watched as Freya's face softened once more and she went into a peaceful sleep. I sighed as I saw a small smile play on her lips, it was tiny but it was there.

She was a gentle soul, but she was strong. 

Sherlock returned after talking with Lestrade about something I'm not sure. 

"How is she?" He asked his face still in its emotionless mask. Sentiment? That's not like Sherlock.

"She's ok" I replied truthfully, "She woke up for a minute or so". He nodded his head and came over beside me. "What's going to happen when she's alright to go?" I asked curiously. Sherlock took a deep breath.

"Well I offered for her to stay with us" he replied, so that's why he was talking to Lestrade! I looked at him in confusion then chuckled. 

"What like adoption?" I asked, trying to understand. 

"Well yeah sort of, if you want, I guess" He bit his lip, was Sherlock nervous? I stared at him for a good long while. There was something in his eyes that was different, they were their usual beautiful colour but something was different, emotion?

"I'd love to" I replied smiling at him. He jumped up with a skip and I swear I saw him smile. 

"Lestrade! John will adopt Freya!" he yelled down the hallway. 

"Now just wait a second, we need to talk about this, I mean it's a big decision, Sherlock, people will talk" I tried to calm him down. 

"People do little else John!" He replied. I rolled my eyes as he skipped over to me cupping my face in his hands. I could feel my blush creeping up my neck but I held it back, he kissed me on the forehead again. Was that like the third time? He let go and ran out the door.

"Sherlock?" I called but he was gone. I turned to see Freya sitting up in the bed with a smirk on her face. "What?" I asked curiously.

"You're blushing" she giggled. I put my hand to my face to cool it down.

"No I'm not!" I protested.

"Oh don't worry" she laughed "Sherlock was blushing too".

"Sherloc- Blushing?" she nodded her head. "Well you keep your lips zipped or I'll give you a time out!" I joked. She laughed, and pretended to zip her lips.

"Not a word" she said with a wink. I went over to her and gave her a hug. She was like a daughter already, I was truly happy. Sherlock and I had I daughter! Well legally speaking she was mine apparently but I know Sherlock would become a fatherly model to her.

"Freya Watson" I said. I felt her smile into my shoulder as we broke apart.

"Thankyou John, thankyou so much" she started to tear up.

"Call me dad if you like..." she nodded her head. Sherlock walked back into the room holding what looked liked a birth certificate. He walked over to Freya and handed it to her, she signed it and looked at him with a smirk, he winked at her and put his finger to his lips and she handed the paper back to him.

"Well everything seems to be in order" Lestrade said as he walked into the room. "Just need you to sign these forms John" he handed me a stack of papers, I sighed and looked at Sherlock who was smirking and I sat down and got to work.

Freya's POV

Freya Watson-Holmes

That's what the birth certificate said. I looked at Sherlock who held his finger to his lips. I knew I should probably keep this secret from John.

Sherlock's POV

Lestrade asked me to write down Freya's new last name. I had all the intentions to write down Watson but something nagged me in the back of my mind to put Holmes at the end. 

I handed the papers back to Lestrade who raised an eyebrow at me. I sent him a "Problem?" look and he rolled his eyes handed back the paper. I looked at it once more smiling a little. There in black ink was my daughters name.

Freya Watson-Holmes

Probably should keep this quiet from John and the others, might send off the wrong messages, but I had to show Freya. John and I had a daughter! Even though we weren't technically a couple I couldn't help but think this decision would bring us together. I have been dropping hints, the kisses on the forehead, surely he has noticed something. Maybe even one day we will get married and then have a proper family. But who was I kidding, I'm Sherlock Holmes the sociopath. For me to have a family would even turn Mycroft of cake. But this was John Watson, my John, my blogger. I either had a chance or I would ruin everything. But what is life with out a bit of risk?

Hey Everyone!!! Hoped you enjoyed this update, I know the whole adoption process was fast but I'm trying to get to the good bits of the story soon! There will be a bit of time lapsing so this book doesn't go on for ages. SO please comment, vote and tell me what all you lovely people think! BYE!

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