Chapter 25 - Won't Come Back

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Freya's POV

John was suffering. More than he has been this past week. It has been two years since 'his' fall. Two painful years. John was going to marry Mary in about a months time. They already had the child, Kevin. That monster. I wanted to tell John, tell him that that thing is not his.

Dad always reassures me that he's ok. But I know he isn't. he cries when he thinks no one is looking, he pulls away first from contact with Mary and he is always sad... you can see it in his eyes. If I told him the truth it would only make it worst, he would crumble to nothing and I would die if I saw that happen.

I had gotten out of hospital from the accident a few weeks ago. I know Sherlock is out there and alive but I can't go to him. He promised he would come back soon, and I hope he does for the sake of John, for the sake of all of us. London needs Sherlock Holmes more than ever. Even though Moriarty, who might I add was real and not made up by Sherlock, is gone crime is at a high in London.

I talk to Lestrade occasionally, he checks on how John and I are going. He offered me a job at the yard, but I'm not nearly as good as Sherlock, even though he taught me a few skills, I sometimes help them out, with secret help from the occasional text to Sherlock.

But this particular day would prove the hardest for me. The biggest challenge and it could be dangerous but it's just what happens.

*Present day*

Third Person

Freya was sitting at the kitchen counter, cup of tea in hand, blanket wrapped around her shoulders and blue rings round her eyes. She hadn't been sleeping well ever since she got back to the flat. But it wasn't 221B. No it was Mary's flat. It was too modern for her liking didn't have that cosiness of home that would always be 221B Baker St. Ever since she had seen Sherlock again she would stay awake all night worrying and thinking about him and about John.

John was asleep in the lounge while some crappy soap-opera played on the tele. Mary had gone out with Kevin, leaving the two at home alone.

Freya turned in her seat after she had finished her tea to check up on her dad. A distinct shiver could be seen racking from his body. She smiled softly and walked over to him, placing her blanket on top of him. She then went and sat in front of the heater, taking in what warmth it had.

John stirred from the lounge and he sat up to face her, rubbing his eyes as he did.

"Morning..." Freya said with a smile. John let out a smile yawn before greeting his daughter.

"Morning Freya... What time is it?" he added. Freya looked at the clock.

"Not yet 11" she replied softly.

"Mary gone out?" Freya nodded her head but didn't reply. John sighed. "Look Freya, I know you might not like her, or Kevin at that". Freya looked away finding something interesting about the wall. "But they're our family now". Freya let out a huff.

"Maybe to you..." she added quietly. John pinched the bridge if his nose.

"I know it's been hard for you since-"

"Dad. Don't act like it hasn't been hard for you either." she added sternly.

"I've moved on Freya-"

"No you haven't!" She cried. "Don't lie to me, I can tell that you're lying to me." John stayed quiet. "I see you, you're never happy. You cry when no one is watching and your eyes are always sad and don't think I haven't noticed".

"If this is about Sher-"

"You loved him Dad!"

Silence drowned the room as Freya guiltily looked away and pursed her lips. She took a deep breath before saying.

"I'm sorry" she looked at John who had his hands buried in his face.

"No, you're right..." he looked up at her, tears running down his cheeks.

"You told me... Remember?" she asked softly. John cocked his head violently.

"Get out..." he said softly.

"What?" she asked even though she heard. The hurt was clear in her voice.

"I said get out." He replied angrily.

"But I'm your daughter!"

"No you're not!" he yelled looking straight at her. It was Freya's turn to cry. "All you ever do is say horrible things about Mary and Kevin and you know why? Because you're jealous and you have the right to be because now I have a family and you don't!"

"They're not your real family! Kevin isn't even yours! You're aren't even married to Mary yet! How can you live with yourself and your right I don't have a real family because they're gone! Happy John with Sherlock Holmes and 221B Baker Street was. my. family."

With that Freya stormed out of the apartment. Leaving John there in tears and torn.

That was the last he saw her for three months.

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