Chapter 22 - Come Back

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Freya and John stood at the front of Sherlock's grave. Not a word was spoken. It has been two years since Sherlock fell but his memory still drove the father and daughter to the grave.

"Come on..." John gestured to his daughter. Freya nodded and turned towards Sherlock's grave once more before following John back up to the cementry gates. When something caught her eye, she thought she saw Sherlock standing down near his grave but when she looked back he was gone. She began jogging back down to the grave.

"Freya!" John called out.

"Meet you at the flat" Freya called back turning her attention back to the empty space before her. She held her breath as she heard a twig crack from behind the large oak tree which stood behind Sherlock's grave. Not knowing what she was doing or what to expect she spoke to the being behind the tree.

"I know you're there..." she began but trailed off as the person came into view. "...Sherlock?" The tall detective took a deep breath.

"Freya..." he began trying not to burst into tears seeing his friend again. Freya slowly approached Sherlock wary of what was about to happen.

"Is this a dream?" she asked, her voice cracked and tears started to well up in her eyes. Sherlock shook his head and tried to manage a smile, he knew Freya was too witty to believe him if he lied. "But you died..."

"To protect you and John yes, really..." he paused "no" he said plainly. Freya ran forward and hugged Sherlock with so much force it belt the air out of him. Sherlock was not one of sentiment, but Freya was different, he cared about her. She was a daughter to him. John and his daughter.

"Come back" Freya wept into his chest, she pulled back "please... Dad needs you... I need you" These words brought Sherlock to tears that he could not control.

"Not yet..." he said sadly looking back at her.

"Why not?" she asked pleading for a reason.

"Because it's not safe..." he put his hand on her shoulder "Not yet" Freya lowered her head understandingly and looked back up at the Consulting Dective who was trying to wear a smile. "How's John?" he asked.

"He's met someone, Mary her name is..." Sherlock showed no reaction but Freya could see the saddness in his eyes. "She is nice enough I guess, but it's not the same and even though John says he's extremey happy with her... I know he isn't" she paused "He needs you Sherlock" at these words Sherlock's heart skipped a beat.

"Freya I need to tell you something I should have told you and John a long time ago..." his voiced trailed off "I love him" his voiced croaked out, Freya felt the tears spill down her cheeks, she had known of course and she knows John feels the same way but she couldn't say it. "You're hiding something...." Sherlock explained.

"Da- I mean Sherlock" she cleared her throat "you have to come back please, if you love him you have to tell him... or it will be too late.... he's going to propose and I don't understand he's only known her for six months and she is in labour..." Sherlock's eyes went wide and Freya realised what she had said.

"Six months?" Sherlock repeated.

"Oh my god..." Freya gasped and quickly looked to Sherlock for an explanation. "It's not his is it?" Sherlock nodded rather quickly. "You have to come back"



"NO!!!" he yelled forcefully "Leave me and if you dare tell John I'm alive I will..." Freya felt her heartbreak in two.

"Or you'll what?!" Freya yelled back.

"Leave!" Freya turned on her heal and ran up to the gates not looking behind, tears running down her face. When she got to the road she didn't look and then everything went dark.


All heard was a screeching sound then a bang, he knew something was terribly wrong. He ran up to where Freya left and what he saw made his heart stop.

Freya lay unconcious on the road in front of him a car stopped by her body. The public started to gather around her lifeless body and Sherlock pushed his way through the growing crowd towards her. He heard people talking someone had phoned an ambulance, good.

"Move! Move" he shouted scrambling for the body. He reached her and knelt down beside her a small pool of blood around her head. "Freya! Freya, please wake up wake up!" he yelled holding her shoulder. He grabbed her wrist to check her pulse but he was pulled away by the medical team that had just arrived.

Freya was lifted up onto a stretcher bed and carried towards the ambulance. The public stood in shock watching as the van drove off to the hospital sirens on.

Sherlock looked onwards, tears streaming down his face... what had he done?

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