Chapter 31 - I'm Sorry

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"Freya Watson-Holmes" the nurse explained. My heart stopped completely.

"No..." I shook my head "No there must be a mistake..." I explained. She sighed.

"Here are the results... Honestly I thought you would know your own daughters name..." I looked at the screen ignoring the nurse. It produces the image of the birth certificate.

Freya Watson-Holmes it read. I buried my face in my hands and wept. Below Sherlock's signature as clear as day beside mine. He was her father, her other father. We are her fathers and she has lost both of us and I have lost both of them. Our strange family, there in ink.

I was put out of my thoughts by the doctor bursting into the room.

"She was drugged!" he cried joyfully. She is waking up. I think she is in a bit of shock still and she keeps mumbling nonsense but she did just survive a fall from a bridge into freezing cold water. I stood up excitedly and turned to the nurse.

"Can I have a copy of that?" I asked.


I got to Freya's room once more, birth certificate in hand. I slammed open the door and the nurse attending her left us after checking her vitals. I walked over quickly towards her happy tears prickling my eyes as I saw her stir.

"Sher- lo- Sher-" he was mumbling to herself I knelt down beside her, and held her hand. Out of fright he shot forward sitting up.

"Sherlock!" she cried panting sweat prickling her forehead. "Sherlock? But he was here, he was with me, I- I don't understand..." I had let go of her hand and watched sadly as she began to cry. "Sherlock where have you- where... Where am I?" I stayed quiet, watching as she turned to face me, tears purging down her cheeks. "Dad? John?" she asked.

"I'm here Freya..." I said reassuringly. Sitting beside her, I took her in my arms as she cried into my chest.

"Oh Dad... I'm sorry I ran away!" she cried even harder. "Sebastian... he found me and he was going to make me jump but then Sherlock was there..." I listened intensively. Why was she saying she saw Sherlock? He is dead. "he told me to distract him so I did, he told me to jump and he told me to trust him and I did... he saved me..." she stopped suddenly and pulled away. "Oh no..." She looked at me panicking.

"Freya? What is it?" I asked sternly.

"John..." she looked at me carefully. "Ignore everything I just said ok, I don't know what came over me."

"Ok..." I asked worriedly. I heard the door open and Mary came walking in slowly. Something was up, I felt Freya stiffen beside me and I looked to her as she glared at Mary. I looked back at my wife. Who stopped in her steps and looked at the floor.

"What is it Mary?" I asked sternly.

"John there is something I need to tell you..." she looked over her shoulder and quickly flipped her head back to face me. "A confession and a statement..." she took a deep breath and Freya sat up beside me. "Kevin... isn't... yours." she stopped and I felt like my whole world had just collapsed. One of the few people I thought I could trust has betrayed me...

"What's the statement?" I asked cocking my head.

"I can't do this anymore... us. John we're over" she pulled off her ring and left the room, throwing it on the ground beside her.

I didn't even look twice at the ring. Who was I for rushing into things with her. I felt Freya soften beside me and lower her head.

"I'm sorry Dad..." she said again.

"You warned me you clever girl." I hugged her, capturing her warmth. "You clever, clever girl... Just like your father..." she pulled away and looked me in the eye. I smiled and pulled out the copy of the brith certificate from my picket and showed it to her. She held it sadly and looked up at me and smiled. "Did you know?" I asked coolly. She nodded her head.

"Of course" she replied. "I'm sorry for what you have had to go through John. I am so sorry for everything for Mary, for me, for Sherlock just for screwing up the happiness you deserve in your life but I want you to know that... You are loved by so many people, some more than others, one more than any other. You just need to observe."

"You're a sweet thing" he said happily.

"And I wasn't talking about me..." I paused.

"Who then?" she shook her head sadly. "Who would love me truly in THAT way, who would care that much for me..."

"I do" a low voice cut me off. It wasn't Freya's. But it was undeniably a voice I knew, a voice for so long I have craved to hear.

I turned my head towards the door and there he was, the man I love, the man who loves me.

Sherlock Holmes, the world's only highly functioning sociopath consulting detective. My best friend.

"Oh I have missed you John..." he said sadly as he entered the room. I sat there motionless and I felt Freya move away a little.

"Sherlock..." was the only word I could get out. "But how, you were dead, I saw you jump, I took your pulse..." All the questions came flooding out at once.

"Shh" he held his finger to my lips softly and I stood up now to face him. "All will be explained..." he said soothingly moving his hand to caress my cheek I sighed out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and rested into his touch. Looking up into those beautiful eyes once more. "For now..." He continued.

"For now..." I repeated softly. "Oh I missed you Sherlock... You don't know how much." I saw his face and felt his body get closer to mine. Just centimetres apart, our noses nearly touching.

"I know John Watson..." the moment I had been waiting for. Sherlocks lips connected with mine in sweet bliss. I brought my hands up to rest around hi neck, as he moved his down my waist. Slightly swaying we continued to kiss, soft delicate expresses of love in each other's lips. My eyes were closed, but it was if this scene was painted on a moving picture in front of me. I could feel and predict every moment, every movement. Sherlock's tongue licking my bottom lip asking for entrance, me obliging without a single thought as his tongue explored my mouth searching every crevice and cave. Our bodies in complete contact moving together in sweet harmony. I though it would never end. I felt as if the world had melted around us and all that was left was us together. Forever.

I felt myself pull back for air as Sherlock did the same. Still embraced in each other, foreheads still connected. Looking deep into each other's eyes one more. Both smiling like idiots and a soft chuckle formed from our chests.

"I love you Sherlock." I said suddenly. He kissed me on the nose before replying.

"I love you too John Watson" he smiled. He pulled back to look away from me, I followed his gaze to the bed.

Freya was sound asleep on the edge of the bed. A distinctive smile on her lips.

"And we love you, Freya Watson-Holmes" I said. I raised an eyebrow at Sherlock and he blushed. I chuckled and continued to hug him. I broke the hug and went over to Freya. Sherlock helped me put her under the covers and tuck her in. I couldn't help but chuckle as he placed a kiss on her forehead and I followed suite.

The door opened again and I saw Sherlock roll his eyes.

It was Mary.

"John I'm sorry, will you please take me bac-" she saw Sherlock standing beside me, fingers laced in mine, with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it Mary?" I asked, annoyed.

"Never mind, I will get the divorce papers then..." and she hurried out of the room. I sighed and put my hands through my hair.

"Are you ok?" Sherlock asked unexpectedly.

"What me? I'm fine" I lied. I was hurt, but this wound was not nearly as big as the amazing scar that was to replace it. Sherlock. My Sherlock was back and we were together.

"So..." he said awkwardly. "What are we then?" I looked at him amused.

"We are whatever you want to be Sherlock". I replied happily kissing him on the cheek.

"Boyfriends" he said sharply. I couldn't help but laugh at the seriousness. "What?" he asked, hurt.

"Nothing" I laughed "You're adorable. It's good to see you Sherlock".

"Vise-Versa John" capturing me in a sweet kiss once more.

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