Chapter 2 - No motive

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John walked in later on, once he regained his composure, he took a deep breath and tried to act as natural as possible. Sherlock was still where he left him in his Mind-Palace.

"What's the case then?" John asked casually resting his hands in his pockets and swaying back and forth. Sherlock opened his eyes. 

"Serial killer..." he said, sounding pretty bored. John was surprised, he thought Sherlock liked serial killers. 

"You sound excited" John spoke sarcastically.

"There is no pattern or motive, nothing, all different!!!" Sherlock yelled out of no where.

"So how do you know it is the same guy?" John asked curiously.

"I don't know but what I know is that it has to be..." John looked at him puzzled, he hadn't seen Sherlock like this before when taking a case.

"Any leads? How many are killed so far?" John asked again.

"Three, three are dead. We have identified the victims though as such Marian Claywater age 31, Lara Whittle age 24 and Domanic Hay aged 19. All of these deaths have occured over the last 3 weeks one each week, might be a lead but I don't think so. All had a good social life, no real enemies or none that would want to kill them anyway, good family life. There is nothing no leads nothing!" Sherlock sighed running his hands through his hair.

"How were they killed?" John sighed. He too could not see where these killings were leading to.

"You're just full of questions aren't you?" Sherlock said impatiently, which he quickly took back when he saw the sad look on John's face. "Sorry," he said "All were killed through blood loss, each of the victims were found tied to a chair their mouths tied with a bandanner probably to stop them from talking or screaming, the killer then removed one of their body parts or limbs. The first had their head removed would have killed them straight away but the body shows signs that the killer took his time before completely removing the head, meaning he wanted all his victims to suffer. But why? Anyway vicitim number two was found with their right arm cut off once again their killer took their time with the process and the same for the thrid only it was their left arm." He looked up at John who was staring hard at the ground trying to find a pattern.

"They're working their way down..." John said softly.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

"The killer they're making their way down each body one limb or head at a time, which means-" John was cut off by Sherlock. 

"There's going to be more!" Sherlock jumped up quickly waving his fists in the air. He ran over to John and kissed him on the forehead forcefully and quickly. "Thankyou John Haha!!" 

"Your welcome..." John said softly missing the contact of Sherlock already.

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