Chapter 28 - Two Gone

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John's POV

It has been 3 months since I last heard from Freya. We had an argument and I said something I regret some much. I told her she wasn't even my real daughter. I was such a jerk. I was just stressed, she was upset, going on about Sherlock and then she said that Mary's baby wasn't even mine. That's when I said it, I felt so bad.

I've heard nothing from her since, she stormed out after that. I had called her and messaged her and everything but no reply.

I shouldn't be worried, Moriarty is gone and she lived on her own for 10 years, I thought she would be ok...

I've never been so wrong...


Third person

John was watching the tele, it was early evening and Mary was asleep in the bedroom with Kevin. Yes that's what she named him. John's eyes would glance over at his phone every minute to see if there was some reply. Still nothing. He sighed grabbing the remote and flicking through some more channels. He stopped when he got to the news and left it there. He watched as some people thanked the fire team for rescuing their cat that was caught in a tree.

John felt himself dozing off when the tele's volume seemed to sky rocket.

"We interrupt this interview to bring devastating news". John shot up watching intently. "The David bridge, positioned over the Themes river has been bombed..." John zoned out as he saw the devastation of the TV. "Witnesses report suspicious behaviour before the bridge collapsed". An old woman came up in a an interview.

"Just before the bridge blew up, a young girl around fifteen years of age was standing on the edge of the bridge. She looked like she was going to jump. A man was talking to her but I didn't know what he was saying..." she explained. "When everyone was off the bridge those two stayed on their, I saw the man stick out a gun at her and she jumped and when she did a gunshot went off and that's when the bridge blew up".

The reporter came back on. "Police are now investigating the case, the body of the man was found in the water but the body of the girl was not found, Police fear the worst. Witnesses claim that they saw a man go out into the water and save the girl but no evidence has been found to support this matter."

John felt sick, something wasn't right here. It didn't feel right at all. The old woman came back on the screen.

"Can you describe the girl and the man?" The reporter asked.

"The man was tall and broad but that's all I saw of him. The girl was fair, blonde,a about 6ft tall, blue eyes and she looked frightened and sad." John felt his heart break, it couldn't be, it can't be... The reporter came back on.

"New evidence has been discovered. A young man filmed the event identifying the man and the girl". John watched as the footage started.

"No..." he said when he saw her. "Oh god no please" Freya was standing on the edge of the bridge. His worst nightmares were true.


John jumped up from the couch and ran out the door grabbing his phone. He slammed the door behind him and ran down the corridor.

On his way outside he called Lestrade who said he was at the scene and he was so sorry. John hung up and hailed a cab.

"David Bridge" he told the cabbie "and fast!" The cabbie stepped on it and sped away. John sat anxiously I. The back seat looking out the window. He pulled his phone out and called Freya, hoping to god she was ok but he knew that she probably wouldn't answer.

John felt the tears start to well up in his eyes as the cab continued it's way through London.

When they arrived John threw the money at the cabbie and ran towards the scene. The bridge was still up in smoke, well what was left of it anyway. Police tape was every where and many people were being interviewed.

John spotted Lestrade and ran to him.

"Where is she?!" he yelled.

"John calm down, we haven't found her yet..." Lestrade soothed.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! My daughter was on that bridge and you're telling me to calm down?!" he roared.

"Getting worked up on it isn't going to bring her back John!" Lestrade replied. "We are trying our best but you have to understand that we may never find her!"

"Sir over here!" An officer called over Lestrade, John followed. A jacket and a scarf lay on the bank, burnt and ripped. John fell to his knees, they belonged to Freya. Lestrade went over and comforted his friend, who now kneeled in tears before the what was left of his daughter.

Little did he know through his pain that two pairs of eyes stared lovingly over him.

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