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Sheppard Bain looked out of the window and saw the woods. He was drawn there. He waited for everyone to take a break from painting. Then he headed there. Despite the warnings, he saw a sign: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE-TRESPASSERS WILL BE ARRESTED. $500 FINE. He smiled. He went inside...

      Sheppard had short, black hair, brown eyes, and tall. He wore the same T-shirt, brown socks, and brown shoes. On his right hand was a brown colored watch. He was 16.

       Sheppard was a loner. Despite the new family directive, he thought the new Assistant Camp Counsellor was awful. He walked futher on. He took a long walk. He saw a dog's body lying on the ground. He screamed. Then, he buried it. Up ahead, he saw a house. The shack was gone. In its place was a place that he hadn't seen before. Sheppard took a deep breath and opened the front door. He flicked on the light-it illumed his way. He wondered who lived here. Jason Voorhees? Maybe; maybe not. A smaller house, like the old shack, was nearby. "Strange place", Sheppard said. He focused on the place; he focused on his surroundings. Noone was about. Or so he thought. The temperarature was now 70 degrees-hot. He wore sunscreen and was looking forward to his swim soon. But, for now, the mysterious house, peaked his intrerest. He heard that a Jewish girl killed Jason last year-but she and her girlfriend, and a teen couple, survived last year's Friday the 13th murders...Sheppard planned to survive. He heard the sound of footsteps; heavy footsteps. "Hello, is there anyone here?", he asked. It was at that moment, that he saw a girl coming towards him....

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