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"This is Dax, the new Camp Counsellor at Crystal Lake. Two kids are missing-presumed dead. Can you send patrollmen?", Dax asked Sheriff Lang.

      "No problem", the Sheriff said.

      "Call 0555-555-555", Dax said.

     He then pressed the END CALL.


"Now, I want to let you know that Jason Voorhees is dead. D-E-A-D. He was killed by Ellie Weiss last year. She ended the nightmare. Now, I know that the idea that Jason is alive; I know that's false. His body was in that lake; his body is down in the depths of Hell. Now, we knew by the new Crystal Lake Online Archive Library in town, the Christy familys broke and have disassociated themselves from the camp-sighting nervous behavior and psychological damage because of Pamela Sue Voorhees's murders of those campers in 1958, as revenge for her son Jason's 'drowning'. And, the sabotage and massacre of cheerleaders in 1967, speak volumes of this curse...Now, we know that this town was a religious community and punishments for not going to Church was at odds with the loose behavior of teenagers in the 1960's and 1970's and part of the 1980's. And Jason followed in his Mom's behavior after she committed murders in 1979, when Steve Christy re-opened the camp. Christy ignored the warnings of Crazy Ralph, the local religious nut. In the end, Alice Hardy, the Assistant Camp Counselllor, killed her. Jason then got his revenge. In August, 1980, he killed her. More counsellors took over the camp; more teenagers died; more blood shed; more horror happened. And for a long time, the murders continued. And, as more murders happened these last couple of years, we're not going to be threatened. And now, that you all know this story, we can move on....

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