Period |Peter Parker

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I'll post more Tom ones after this I promise!!

I opened my eyes to the cursed sound of a Saturday alarm. I groaned and went to turn it off but instead I felt like I'd been punched right in the lady area. I hissed and fell back down on my bed, stuffing my face in the pillow and groaning. I finally forced myself up and grabbed my glasses, turning the alarm off. I got dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I got some pancakes ready and chocolate syrup with marshmallows. I sat down and ate my food, turning on the TV and watching Friends. There was a knock at the door and I wiped my mouth with a wet cloth then a dry one.
The stuff I do for Chocolate syrup..
I opened the door to see a Peter Parker smiling at me and saying a "hey!" Before a "uh.. Can I come in?"
Parker has been making his way over on Saturdays to help me with Science.. And then I help him with his art work.
"Sure! Come on in, Parker." I Said with a quick smile and he walked in, waiting for me to walk with him to my room. I sat down at my desk and Peter sat down on the second chair.
"So what're we working on today?-" I didn't answer. Instead, I clutched my stomach and put my forehead on the table, groaning.
I mumbled a "reactions" and I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He just shook his head and put his stuff down.
"What's up with you?"
I shook my head but didn't lift it. "Nothing." I looked up and grabbed my pen. Then my eyes widened and I got a cloth, not showing my back to Peter. I placed it on my chair and rushed to get some new jeans, a new pair of pants and I went to the bathroom. Yep, I forgot to use a pad.
I quickly put the stuff in the washing basket or the bin and I went back into the room, sitting on the towel covered chair.
"Wait... Are you-"
"On my period? Yes. Yes I am. Now can we do my science homework, revision, whatever and then I'll help you with your art homework." Peter sighed.
"I gues- actually, wait a second. I need to get something from home." He said and quickly left.
A few minutes later..
He definitely ditched. Why though? Am I a bother? There was a knock at the door and I quickly answered, seeing a slightly out of breath Peter that walked into my room and dumped a bag of chocolate and sweets on the table. I just looked at him.
"You have this sort of stuff lying around?"
"I... Went to the shops for it."
"I swear I should just let you be my boyfriend, you're the best." I sighed out and sat down. Peter was just stood there, his face going bright red. "I meant that you're really helpful- n-not that I wouldn't date you- that came out wrong.." I hit my head on the table multiple times and I felt an arm go around me.
"I know what you meant." He said with a warm smile. I gave a small sigh of relief and finally let myself smile.
"So. Reactions."
"Alright, basically-" I groaned and kicked my chair back as it wheeled into my bed.
"Can we not?"
"You just said-"
"Uuuugh! Fiine!" I picked the wrapper off of a Refresher and put it in my mouth.  Peter turned to face me and I kept eye contact, my cheeks feeling warmer. His lips were moving but I couldn't hear what he was saying. His curly brown hair was lighter where the sun was hitting at him, his Brown eyes had slight green specks around and his smile as he spoke was just- kill me now please. I realised he asked me a question and I looked at the papers. "Understand?"
"Uh.. Can you repeat something?"
"How much?"
"All.. Of it?" I asked sheepishly and he chuckled, nodding.
"Of course." He said and began again, with me listening this time.
We finished studying and he put his papers away, I put my homework in my folder and sighed, stretching.
"Now I help you with your art."
He gave a sheepish grin and got the picture out of his bag. He placed it on the table along with the reference picture and I took in every detail. He has definitely improved. "You're going to get an amazing grade on this on its own, Pete."
"Really?" He asked. His voice was adorable because he was really complimented and a bit taken aback. Please stab me, someone, or I can jump off a cliff.
"Do I look like I'm lying?" It's amazing!" I said. "I do believe the studying is done."
The sweets and chocolate were all gone, as well. I checked the time. And sighed. 13:00. "I'll make some lunch. Wait a sec."
A little while later..
I walked into the room and saw Parker pacing. "It's easy, just ask her out already!" The voice was definitely Ned's, and it was coming from his phone. I quietly placed the plates down and Peter said "gotta go Ned." And ended the call, turning around.
"Food's ready."
"How much of the conversation did you hear?"
"Who you gonna ask out?"
He paused.
"Um.." He mumbled something and I raised an eyebrow. "L-Liz. Allen.
"Right.. Of course."
"Were you expecting someone else?"
"No." I grumbled and sat down, getting my pencil out and darkening Peter's shadows on his drawing.
"I thought you said we were done studying?"
"We are." I heard a noise from my phone and a lie came pouring out. I need to be alone. "Oh! Right, someone is coming over so can you leave when you finish your food?" I added a fake smile to encourage him and say hey! I'm fine!
I'm not fine. At all. He nodded and we ate our food in silence. As soon as he was done he got up to leave and I looked down at the table. I heard the door open and close and then I sunk to the floor, ignoring my cramps and just crying.
It's the hormones. I wouldn't cry anyways, right?

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