Secretive | Peter Parker

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EMO_FANGIRL_TRASHHi um so this is a request for your Tom Holland/ Peter Parker imagines book. I was wondering if you could do an imagine where the reader is Tony Starks daughter and she and Peter are secretly together cos Tony is really protective and one day he finds them kissing, or something like that, and freaks out. Hope you like the imagine, love! Also sorry for being MIA for such a long time but thank you so much for 5.3K reads this is fucking insane I love you guys! Excuse my language


I walked up to Peter and gave him a hug from behind, making him quickly turn around with a grin on his face as he rested his head on my shoulder, clearly tired out from all the training. "Hey." He breathed out, making a small smile come to my face as I slowly moved his head so he was facing me."Guess who just designed a few new ideas for your suit?" I asked, holding up an ipad with some notes tapped onto it with small sketches here and there. His eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around me in one fast motion, hugging me tight."No way!" He pulled back with an even bigger grin on his face than earlier. "That's awesome!"A faint heat hit at your cheeks and you waved it off. "It's not that awesome- they're only minor upgrades." I said, walking off and turning around at the exit for him to pick up his jacket and pull it on to then jog and catch up with me as I speed-walked around the place. He looked at one of the sketches and then at me before letting out a sigh. "I see why you're a Stark.""What?" I asked, turning to face him."A 'minor' upgrade?""Oh yeah." Came my simple but embarrassed answer as I fiddled with my hands. A smile slowly turned his lips up and he grabbed my hand, making my face feel hot. Please don't come in, don't come in Dad, please. You see, I've been dating Spider-Man for almost a year now and we both agreed he would freak if he found out about us dating. Sort of an icognito relationship. Nobody knows about it, really, just me and Pete. I opened the door to the room where we designed parts of the suits using a card and both of us walked inside, Peter quickly moving to place a kiss on my lips. One of my hands went to the back of his neck, the other in his hair as his arms snaked around my waist. It was moments like these, small and secretive but filled with a little emotion that can do so much to people that were amazing. Moments like these that made me wish I was normal and could just date Peter. Then again, if I wasn't a Stark then HYDRA probably wouldn't have attacked me and given me some pretty cool abilities if I do say so myself. I walked up to the suit, going over every function in it as a projection revealed itself to my eyes. Technology. Imagine having power over that. Pretty cool, right? Dad's drained a lot of the time so I just turn off the lights for him, move some chairs around so he's comfortable, the usual. It's a shame, but whatever I can do to help.I parted my lips from his for a little while, both of us steadying our breaths as I grinned, practically speaking against his now red lips that made a goofy smile stick to his face. "I love you so much." "I love you too." He mumbled back, nuzzling his face into my neck and just letting all his tensed muscles relax against me. I put my hands through his hair a few times and slowly led a chair over to him, making him sit down so he wasn't as tired."Do you want me to talk you through the suit or do you want to nap?"He hummed in response, his eyes fluttering closed as he rested his head on his arms behind him and nodded over to another seat that could connect to that one. I sighed, flopping onto it and laying my head on his chest, both of us falling asleep.I woke up, slowly shaking Peter awake as his eyes slowly opened and he let out a small groan, stretching and sitting up. "How long did we nap?"With a shrug, I checked the time and my eyes widened. "Half an hour, shit! Dad's coming home in a few minutes you need to get out!""Somebody will see me if I don't take the suit!""It's unfinished-""It'll work!""Dad will know-""Y/N?" His voice called out and we both exchanged a look of 'oh, shit' before he dived under the table and the doors let out a hiss as they opened with my dad, Tony Stark, walking in. "How were you?" He asked, ruffling my hair a little with a tired smile."I was okay, I napped most of the time though." I said with a chuckle that made him look over at the suit and the iPad."You know, Peter isn't completely defenceless. He doesn't need all these gadgets.""I know, I know, i-it's kinda just for how he's a new recruit."He nodded, raising an eyebrow at me. "Okay... you don't like him, do you?"I let out a frustrated sigh. "No, I haven't even talked to him ever since I welcomed him to the tower.""Good. It's just that I want you safe, kiddo, I lost you once and look how that ended out..""I know, I know.." I said, hugging him as he relaxed into the seat before getting up with a grunt. "I'm gonna go catch some Z's, I'll see you tomorrow." He left the room and I sighed, watching as Peter emerged from the table with a smirk on his face."So.. what was that about not liking me?" I grinned and poked his head that made him take a step back. "You know.""I don't think I do, love." He said. That nickname. He just had to.For some reason I could always hear some sort of British in his accent whenever he called me love, it sounded angelic to be quite honest and it always made me blush."I'll take the gadgets out of your suit." His brown eyes melted into a cool chocolate and he giddily sat down, eyeing the suit like a little kid as I started to explain how to activate what and so on.

Peter picked up his bag and slung it on his shoulder, giving me a small kiss on the lips with his cheeks slightly pink. Our reactions never seemed to change. "I'll see you at school." I told him and he nodded before hugging me and jogging over to the door and walking away. I turned around to see my dad, his face...
well, he wasn't happy.
"What happened to not talking to him since the welcome?!" He asked me, making me look down at the floor and kick at the clean floor.

"So we might have kept talking.."
"Why the hell didn't you say anything?!"
"Oh, you know why we kept this secretive!"

Will post a part two soon
I am so so so so so sorry for being so inactive. I am here to stay, I promise.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now