Birthday | Tom Holland [1]

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I turned my data on when I made my way out of the airport, my bag silently trailing a little behind me as I joined Tom's live. A smile crept onto his face and he greeted me as I texted him. 

'One sec gotta go make a call👋'
His smile dropped a little bit before he said "alright.. everyone say bye!" And he moved the camera to Zendaya, Harrison, Jacob and then Laura as they all yelled bye and I called for a taxi.

"Thanks, man." I said after I stepped into the car and sat down, fastening my seat-belt as the car started to drive.
"No problem- you from Britain?" 
"Yep." I replied, and there was no more talking after that. I finally got to the destination and got out of the car after paying and getting out my suitcase. The lady at the reception of the hotel recognised me quickly, being the girlfriend of Tom Holland and also being in Homecoming. 
"You must be the one looking for this key?" She asked, handing it over as soon as I nodded and I went to the elevator, pressing the up button and waiting for the elevator. As soon as it came, I pressed the floor button and waited for it to get there, hearing the ding and stepping out quickly to get to his hotel room. Immediately, a song got stuck in m head and I let out a chuckle, recognising how similar the song was to my situation..
(Not used to lyric imagines I'm sorry)

Do you got plans tonight?
I'm a couple hundred miles from Japan and I-
I unlocked the door and stepped in.

I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight-
"Cause I-I-I can't get you off my mind.." I mumbled to myself and I placed the bag on top of the sofa, opening it quickly.
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
"Do you got plans tonight?" I sang a bit louder, playing the music on my phone on the highest setting and unpacking, leaving the phone on top of the suitcase.
"I was hoping I could get lost in your paradise."
I felt hands around my waist and I turned my head to see Tom, looking t the floor behind him to see bags dumped on the floor.
"The only thing I'm thinking 'bout is you and I.."
I gave him a soft kiss that he let linger for a few seconds longer, both of us pulling back with the hugest grins ever.
"Hey, Tommy."
"Hey, Love."
"How's America so far?" I asked with a giggle and, with eyes brimming his eyes, he attacked me with another hug and we both fell to the floor, clinging onto each other.
"You flew all the way out here?!" He asked, making me nod as we both got up and stopped hugging. I gestured over to the suitcase.
"Yep. Out here to America."
"Oh my god-" He cut himself off by giving me another hug. 
"TOM, WE'RE BACK-" The group yelled, walking in the room and stopping as they saw me standing there. Harrison starting snorting with laughter and the rest all attacked me and Tom in a hug.
So many hugs.

It was great.

I love Tom's hugs.

A long time after we had packed all my things away, we all went outside for a walk before Tom had to do an interview for Infinity War. God, that thing made me wish I brought buckets instead of just tissues. Moving on, we all arrived at where he was and I gave him a quick thumbs up as he winked at me, making my face go hot. He still has that effect.
"God.." Laura mumbled, nudging me. "Can I get a relationship like yours and Tom's or is that just something between a king and a queen I can never get?"
"Psh, you'll find someone, you're the queen here. Apart from Jacob, obviously," Jacob did a fake hair flip and I held in my laughter, looking over at Tom who's cheeks were bright pink when he looked over at me and gave me one of those smiles that looked like an embarrassed cartoon character. What a dork. Once the interview finished, we all headed to a pizzeria because pizza (obviously) and everyone started talking about his birthday.

"I'm sorry I missed it, Tom" I mumbled, making him shake his head and give me a kiss on the cheek.

"You were in a whole other country... besides, you bought the tickets on my birthday and you coming here was... probably the best gift I got. Sorry, Zendaya."
"Zen-die-a." I mumbled, remembering the interview they had.
"I heard that!" She said, taking a bite of the pizza as everyone laughed.

It felt like an episode of Friend's but at a pizzeria and so on.
I'm going to love this.

PaRt OnE

sorry it's just that it's almost midnight and I'm jusrt ASDFGH everywhere trying to get everything done in time and I'm just going a lil bit ABALABALABALA you know?
Probably not I just feel all over the place so I have promised you a part two for when I am a fully functioning human being tHANK YOU GUYS

it's not saving i'm going to scream jESUS HELP

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