Philophobia | Peter Parker

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A new Tom imagine coming out soon, I promise! Also thank you for so many readers for this book!!

I threw my bag over my shoulder and quickly checked the time on my phone. "Shit!" I hissed to myself, hitting my forehead. "I'm gonna miss the train!" I ran out of the house, yelling a goodbye over my shoulder before slamming the door and heading over to the train station.

I can always walk, but I like being early because I get to see Ned, Michelle and Peter before I go to my classes that I mainly don't share with them. 

I quickly got on the train and made my way through the crowd until I got to where Peter was stood, earphones in and tapping away. I tapped his shoulder quickly and he looked up, taking his earphones out as a small smile began to form on his face. "Oh, hey!" He greeted.
"Hey Pete, what lesson do you have first again?"
"Oh, I have...." there was a moment of silence as his eyes went further up whilst he thought over his schedule, "I have gym first, what about you?"
"I've got gym as well, I think.. either that or I have woodwork." I said with a quick shrug and I adjusted how the bag hung from my arm, seeing as it was slipping off. "Did you do the math homework?"
He put his hand to the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly with his cheeks going a little pink. "Have you?"
"Yeah. You can copy during break in the library if you want." I offered and he nodded.
"Thank you so much!" He thanked. 

The train came to our stop and we quickly got off as a few other people did the same. We started walking to the school but we were taking our time, we were going to be early anyways. I watched in the corner of my eye as his curls bounces with each step he took, his brown eyes sparkling a little bit as he moved his bag on his shoulder. I felt like kicking myself or something but I ignored it, shoving the thoughts into the back of my head. "Gym's gonna suck." I said, getting my phone out to check my timetable and see if I had woodwork or gym first today. 
"Yeah, it is. But the thought of Flash falling off the rope makes it better."
I threw my head back and laughed. "True." 
"So, do you have it as well?"
"Yeah, I do. Sadly."
We came up to the doors and decided to wait a few minutes, seeing as Ned would usually jog up to Michelle and walk with her. I don't know why, though, they only spend a minute (or even half of that!) walking together. Peter and I waved at the two friends and we all walked in together. Michelle and Ned were arguing about something- probably to do with Star Wars, seeing as they forced her to watch it with them- and Peter was just laughing at how childish they were acting, the corners of his eyes crinkling. I felt my face heat up and I just looked at the ground, my stomach feeling a bit sick. We all walked into the school and there was chatter everywhere. I heard a crash to my left and I whipped my head around to see Peter, not next to me and Michelle and Ned, but against the lockers because of none other than Flash Thompson. I really couldn't be bothered with this. "Flash it's too early, leave him alone!"
"Oh yeah? Watch me."
I walked over to him and he stepped away from Peter. "I swear to god if you lay one finger on him you won't live to see the mark." I threatened and he laughed, throwing up his hands. 
"Wo-ho-ho. Looks like we have a kid with a temper. What will you do to me, then?"
"I'm not saying I'll do anything. I won't need to, because Peter can do damage, he's just a nice guy. Something you clearly aren't." I said, whacking him across the head with one of the books in my hand and walking off with Peter, making a few people chuckle and others whistle as Flash probably went red in the face, storming off with a hand where I hit him with my book. 
"Thanks for that." He said, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Yeah, well... nobody deserves what he does to you."
"No, seriously, whacking him with a book was a great idea." He said, throwing his head back and laughing as his eyes crinkled. We were both still walking but I stopped at some point as my stomach felt sick and I felt faint. 
There's no way.

I like Peter Parker.

Okay- I'll admit it. This one is extreeeeemely crap and short. But I wasn't sure how to come across as scared about how she felt about Peter. I'm going to post more Tom imagines. However, I will post a second part that hopefully goes more in depth about how she's got Philophobia etc etc.
A question:

What's your fear?

What's your fear?-A

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