Internet Friends|Tom Holland

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Told you that I'd write more Tom stories!!
I turned on my phone to see a message from Tom and I smiled to myself, typing away.
Tom 😎
Hola Mi amigos!
Dude it's midnight.
Tom 😎
Oops.. Sorry.
Be glad I live alone and have thick walls so that I can call you.
I shuffled as the camera focused on the ground of my study and not me.
"Hey." His British accent rang out with a slight chuckle and I replied with:
"Umm... Hi."
I was suddenly very aware about how American my voice is. "How're you?"
"Great.. I finally finished filming!"
"Can you tell me what you've been filming?" I asked with a slight laugh and he shook his head, his brown curls having one space where the light made it seem lighter. "Jesus Christ how does Britain do it?" I asked myself and I heard Tom laugh quite loudly. I glanced at the screen and I saw one of his brothers messing around in the background. I chuckled and his brother got a whiteboard, writing the letters MEET UP IN THREE DAYS. TELL HIM! and colouring the bubble writing so that it was bold. I felt my face heat up and Tom seemed to notice.
"What is it?"
"Nothing... Just a bit tired, yeah?"
"Aight." He replied. "The trailer's out soon.." Tom said and quickly got giddy. I chuckled at how much of a dork he was and listened to everything he said. As soon as I started getting tired, I excused myself and went to splash my face with water to wake myself up. It worked for a while and I got really sleepy at some point again, falling asleep with the call on. I could faintly hear the two talking still.
"She's asleep, look."
I heard Paddy walk into the room and he chuckled. "End the call, then."
"I am!" Tom protested. I lazily moved my thumb over the button and got up, dragging my feet to my bed and I flopped onto it, falling asleep instantly.
Only three days til Britain..
Two days later..
I walked home after my shift finished and I went inside, making my way to the study and then calling Tom. Paddy answered instead. "Oh, hey Pads!"
He blushed. "Don't call me that.."
His very British accent made him even more adorable and I chuckled. "Sorry, kiddo. Where's Tom?"
"Oh.. Okay. Tell him to go to the airport tomorrow, don't tell him why."
Paddy just nodded and ended the call, making me grab my suitcase and leave the house, going to the airport to wait before finally making my way onto the plane and waiting. I took a picture of the view from the window seat I had before finally letting myself sleep.
That morning
I got off of the plane and I got off of the plane. I stood on top of something to try and spot Tom with all of his family...
It wasn't hard.
I got down and ran over to them, jumping on Tom for a hug. We both fell to the floor but we didn't care. "Hi!" I said into his hair whilst we hugged on the floor.
"Oh my god." Was his response. We got up and I hugged all of his brothers and then his mom and dad.
"I have to wait a while to get my bag.."
Tom was a little pink and he faced Paddy.
"This is the airport emergency? Not anything to do with the film?"
My smile lowered down a bit and I faced him.
"No, it isn't."
He gave me another hug that didn't get us both on the floor. "This is more stressful than that." Was his reply and I laughed, finally letting go.
"Can I stay at yours tonight? My friend is expecting me tomorrow and this was the only flight I could get.."
"Sure!" Paddy butted in and Tom shoved him lightly.
"Course you can, love."
The one thing I hate about English people is they call everyone love.. So I'm just a friend.
Two hours later
The whole drive to their house had me in stitches as Tom's dad told jokes and we all sang purposely off-key to all the songs on the radio. And as soon as we got to the house, everyone went in except me. I stared at the house and I stared at my own breath that I could see. I suddenly realised how cold Britain is and I shivered, finally walking inside.
That night
"Why didn't you tell me you were visiting England?"
I shrugged at him. "Not quite sure.. I guess I wanted to surprise you."
He chuckled. "Imagine," Tom chuckled and put his American accent on, "surprise Tom! You got one day with an amazing person and then a guarantee you won't see each other again unless it's online!"
I sighed and sat up in the bed as Tom sat down on it.
"Sorry, Tommo. I wish we had more time together."
He sighed and faced me with a small smile. "Well, here's your surprises. One, I've been acting as Spider-man.. And using that Spider-Man confidence, here's surprise two.." He leaned in and kissed me.
Holy shit.

He finally pulled back and got up. "Night, Y/N."
As soon as he left the room I hit the covers as hard as I could and screamed into the pillow.
The one day I find out and I'll be gone tomorrow.
I fell into a sleep of discomfort until I felt a buzz on my hand.
Family friend. 😘
Gotta cancel the plans we had, work got in the way!!
Oof. I'll try and see if I can stay at my friend's house all week. You owe me big time.
Family friend. 😘

I sighed and turned my phone off, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Tom was ready there, his curly hair a mess and sticking out at certain places, his Brown eyes darker than usual due to being tired. "Oh.. Hey Tommo."
"What're you doing up?" He asked in a sleepy voice. God this makes me want to be able to date him.
"I was woken up by a message from the friend I'm staying with all week."
"What about?"
"They had to cancel plans.."
"Yes, you can stay with us."
I gave a quiet squeal and hugged him tight, kissing him on the cheek. "Thanks, Tommo!"
"Night, Y/N. "


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