Wake Up, Please!|Peter Parker

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If you haven't judged by the title, this one will be more of a depressing chapter. -A

I walked over to the kitchen, switching the light on and sitting down where his body wasn't sprawled. He was badly injured, so I let him stay the night so he could heal more and easier. I tapped him on the back where I knew wasn't covered in a bruise. "Wakey, wakey." I whispered, making him groan a he raised his head to look down his body to where I was sat.
"Morning." He grumbled, his morning voice and the fact he was mumbling making the vibrations stronger as it rang in my ears, a tingling and a warmth slowly coming to my cheeks.
"I'll get you something to ea-"
"No, no," he insisted, sitting up and immediately regretting it as he squeezed his eyes shut, hissing in pain when he grit his teeth together so hard he was positive his jaw would snap. He laid back down and I stood up, rubbing circles where there weren't scars or bruises.
"You need to rest for the day. It's a Friday but they might question it see in a you're absent a lot recently-"
"How have you picked up on my attendance?"
"I'm called after you in attendance, you idiot." I joked about the last part, Patting his back before seeing him cringe. "Sorry." I apologised, getting up to make us both some breakfast.

"Thank you." He said, his voice vibrating and low thanks to it being the morning. Once again, a small blush crept to my cheeks as he managed to sit up in an okay position.
"Oh my God Peter..." I moaned, massaging my face with my hands.
"I'm sorry.." he whispered.
"No. Don't you dare apologise. None of these things are your fault, you go out there and save people. I should be apologising for worrying so much. You have told me again and again but I won't listen!"
"Stop beating yourself up because you're a good person. We're all stressing out. So please, can we stop talking about it?"
"Please, (Y/N)." He begged me, making me sigh and place my plate on the coffee table.
"Okay. I'm gonna go wash my face and stuff, then I'll head to school- you can call me if you need anything-"
"Thanks." He mumbled. I turned my head towards him with an eyebrow raised and he opened his mouth again. "For- for everything, I mean." He said, his voice clearer as his face went pink.

I made my way over to the door, slinging my bag over my shoulder, yelling "bye Pete! Call me if you need anything!" Before closing the door and quickly getting on my bike, setting off to go to school. I pulled on the brake of my bike, placing one foot on the floor when it stopped and locking it to one of the bars that held other bikes of different colours.

School was boring as usual until the lesson before lunch, when my phone started calling. It was normal vibrating with a couple of quiet bleeps, but everyone's heads turned towards me. "Can I answer this call?"
"Miss (L/N)-"
"It's someone else's safety, with all due respect."
The teacher sighed and nodded, motioning to the door. "Fine."
I quickly went out of the classroom and answered, seeing Peter's ID on the screen.
"Are you okay Pete?!" I made sure I didn't shout.
"I- my wound- it's... it's bleeding again and I can't move or think.. (Y/N) I'm gonna pass out."
"O-okay, I'm gonna leave school early and I'll take you to the hospital. Stay with me, Peter. Stay on the line." I pleaded, tears providing my eyes. I got to the office and didn't bother wiping the tears that started to spill. "My friend needs to go to the hospital. Now. I need the rest of the day off.. please, let me help him." They nodded quickly and let me out as I sprinted to my bike and unlocked it. "Peter? Peter?!"
"I-I'm trying, (Y/N) I really am.. it hurts so bad." I could hear his voice crack and his breathing malfunction. He was crying. Oh my God. Not Peter.. please, anything but my Parker.
"I know, love, I know. Answer these questions, try and stay focused."
"I'll- I'll try." He let  out a gasp for air and hissed in pain. I was a quarter of the way there.
"Who is Tony Stark?"
"Tony... Stark... is what he likes to call a genius, billionaire... pla-playboy and a philanthro-philanthropist. He is an Avenger- I-Iron Man."
He was trying so hard to stay awake and to answer the question. He was trying. Good. He might be able to stay awake.
"Okay. Peter that was perfect- thank you. Tell me about your suit lady- Karen, right?"
"I remember naming her.." he grunted out. "I was gonna  gonna call her Liz... but I-I decided it was- it was creepy-" he cut himself off with noises of pain.
"Peter don't let me lose you. I can't afford to lose you. Fuck no. Stay with me, Parker, please." I pleaded. "I'm almost there!"

I finally got to the house, running inside after twisting the key in the lock and then jogging up the stairs. "Peter? Did you come up here?" The call ended when I got to the house, so I needed him to shout.
"Dow-down here!" He forced out and I ran down the stairs, into the living room.
"Oh my God Pete." Tears were flowing freely from my eyes an  I dashed to his side, help in  him up slowly. "Peter I'm taking you to the Stark tower. Give me your web shooters." I commanded and he lazily flopped his hands onto me, allowing me to take the shooters off.
Come on, Peter. You don't know how much you mean to me. Please, oh god... it's dripping from his shirt.. a lot. I had to hurry.

When we got to the Stark tower, I was  let in an  instantly I started screaming for help repeatedly, making people run in. "Peter? Peter wake up! No... PETER! PETER WAKE UP- PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU, WAKE UP!" I screamed   they picked  me up, pulling me away from Peter as I kicked and screamed. "PETER NO! PETER!!"
It was as if that was all I could do. Just scream for Peter. My lungs wouldn't function properly so I had to take short, sharp breaths between my yelling and screaming and pleading. They put me in an office looking room at the top. Tony 's office. The doors opened and I tried to see if Peter was there, too. As if he had fixed him already.
"What the hell are you guys doing? Get off her!" He commanded, making the body guards stand at the glass and at the door and the elevator. Tony walked up to me, pulling me into a hug when I felt something damp and hot on me. Tony Stark was crying for the teenage bug boy everyone grew to love from his own father figure to the almost never moving bodyguards- hell, even that Happy Hogan guy he talks about probably loved him as family. "What happened?"
So I told him from start to finish how he tumbled through my window, an alarming emotion around him that meant he needed my help, how he told me how he got injured, how I bandaged and stitched him up, how I told him to stay at home that night an  how I went to school, only to be called back by a dying Peter. I told him all of it. I so accidentally let it slip how I liked him. And when I said like, I meant that I loved him so much that I would drop everything I was doing, all my plans of having children and being married if it just meant that he could be there to have his own children with another woman, to live his life with her and their kids. I needed Peter in my life. I might not have been a big part of his life, but he was the main part in mine. I didn't even care if he was mine, I just wanted him to be alive and well. God, is that too much to ask? I'd trade mine for his if I had to. I would go to the ends of the Earth just to see him grin in that goofy way that has my heart beating faster than infinite beats per millisecond. Just to see his eyes light up with excitement when someone mentioned something he loved.

I didn't want Peter Parker in my life. I needed him in my life.

"I'm sorry to say, but it appears to be that Peter Benjamin Parker is in a coma.
They could have been straight to the point, saying my best friend wouldn't wake up for days, weeks, months or years!
Or they could have told the truth.

They could have said I was going to be a dead girl walking as soon as Peter was taken into the God damn tower.

Sorry I just feel hyper for some reason. Watched all three seasons of Sherlock as well.. now what?

 now what?

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