Time|Peter Parker [2]

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I told you guys!
I made my way out of the classroom and headed over to the table where Peter, Ned and Michelle sat eating their food. "Hey guys!" I greeted and started to eat my food as Peter replied with a
"Hey Etta!" Then a "Ned!! Stop taking my fries!" I chuckled and then passed Ned my food.
"This food is a one time opportunity from me. Be grateful." I said and then turned to face Peter. "So who's your soulmate?"
He hesitated and then shrugged, looking down at the table. "I don't know... the person. Never saw them."
I just nudged his arm.
"If it makes you feel better I never saw mine.."
Michelle looked up from her book and sighed. "How would that make him feel better?"
I shrugged as a response then faced the boy with the curly, messy brown hair and brown eyes that light up when he's talking about stuff he enjoys. "Did it work?"
A blush reached his cheeks and he slowly nodded, eating what was left of his food. "I.. Gotta go." He said and left the cafeteria. There was a moment's silence before I banged my head on the table three or four times.
Michelle and Ned looked at me with wide eyes and eyebrows raised. I waved my hand in the air and then let it flop down on the table. "Keep eating or reading I'm fine."

Third  person P.O.V
Peter Parker was walking through the halls when he sighed and sunk against a wall, putting his head in his hands. He heard a faint beeping and he answered the call once he realised it was his phone. "Hello?"
"You have got your timer surgically removed, right?" A voice otherwise known as Tony Stark asked. Peter looked up and his eyes widened.
"A-about that, Mr. Stark."
"Oh no. No, no, no. Nope. You met them?"
"They didn't know it was me or Spider-man and I haven't told her yet!"
"Don't tell her! You'll put her in danger!" Oh, Peter thought, I didn't think about that part.
He sighed. "Okay." Not okay. "I won't tell her." Yes I will.
"So.. Who is it?"
"Are there any other Etta girls in your school?"
"No.. Mr. Stark, why do you care?"
Peter could almost hear Tony shrug.
"No reason, Parker. Suit up and get to the tower I'll say you're sick."

I walked into the classroom and scanned my eyes around to see Peter. Where is he?!
The teacher went through the register and mumbled "at the Stark tower ill."
Why is he there? He only has an internship there..
"Sir can I go to the office? I feel dizzy.." I lied with a fake weak voice. The teacher picked up on it and nodded.
"Get well soon, Etta." I nodded in response and pretended to stumble at some point before leaving. I was out of sight. I ran to the office and then started stumbling again.
They let me go and I started running again. I got to my bike and I got on, making my way to the tower. I jumped off of my bike and then leaned it against the wall, going inside the tower and requesting to see Peter Parker. A feminine sounding robot answered with a "very well. Calling Peter Parker.."
"Karen? I can't come down right now.."
"Someone's here to see you, Peter."
He sighed. "Who?"
"A girl going by the name of Etta. Would you like to speak to her instead?"
"Uh.. Sure."
My phone started ringing and I answered it. "You don't sound so ill, Pete."
He faked a cough. "I am ill, Etta. I swear."
I started pacing. "Why are you in the Stark Tower then?"
"Because... I.... Um.. One sec I'm coming down."
I ended the call and put my phone down. I waited for a minute and the doors of the elevator opened, showing Spider-man. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "Look, I'm sorry. Okay?" He then put his arm around my waist and ran outside, swinging from web to web to come to an alleyway I remembered all too well. "You were going to be raped here, right?"
"You saved me.." I mumbled.
"Yeah.. Let me tell you those lights that appear when the timer comes off.. Very blinding. "
I looked at him and he swung over to the top of a tall building and let me go, dropping down as well. I peeled off his mask to show a blushing Peter Parker.
"I didn't want to know my soulmate." I admitted and walked to the edge of the building, sitting down and dangling my feet over the edge. He'll save me if I fall. I trust him.
"Now I'm glad I do know him." I say and face him with a smile, my face very warm. He sat down next to me and we just sat like that for what seemed like an infinity.

God, I'm glad it was this dork.

I kissed him on the cheek and pulled his mask closer to me, putting it back on Peter and then standing up. "Can you take me home? I can't really fly or anything.." I said with a chuckle and he nodded.

I heard him whisper "suck on that, Stark." and I laughed.

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