In Character| Tom Holland [2]

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Finally, your part two! Sorry for taking so long to create it I've just been busy with being a teenager, basically. Aand that makes it sound like I've been on my period this whole time. Anyways, enjoy my pile of crap. As usual, if you enjoy it (somehow) then vote,
leave a comment on whatever you want because I love the company ;)
So on and so forth.

Tom made his way over to her trailer and knocked on the door. "Hey, you in there?" His soft voice rang out, earning nothing but a sad silence. He knocked again. "Hello?"
As soon as he heard you sniffle as your breath got caught on your own silent sobs, he went to open the door.
"Tom.. please go away." You quietly begged as you looked down at a Polaroid photo of you, Tom, Jacob and Zendaya. It was actually that day you realised that the feelings you had for Tom weren't the kind that friends had. You realised when you noticed all of the small things about him that the others didn't pick up. For example when he smiles, he sometimes gets a dimple on one side of his face, or how when he's reading his lines, his eyes light up and he drums his fingers in a particular pattern that, if you listened closely, sounded calming in the sense that you could listen to it for hours- like his voice when he's talking about things he is passionate about and the things he adores.
"I need some time to breathe."
"If you come out of your trailer, you can get fresh air."
"You'll make it awkward."
"Just... being there. Doing that thing you do when your nervous, the whole kicking one foot at the dirt while you wait for either you or the other person to talk. Just being there to smile with that lopsided grin of yours when I finally speak about what I did." You sighed and put the photo back, opening the trailer door. "Being there and being you."
He gave you a soft smile and glanced over your shoulder.
"Can I at least come in?"
"I'm not stopping you." You said with a shrug, moving so he could walk in. He picked a comfortable looking seat and scratched at his fingernails instead of biting them.
"Why... Why did you disappear after that scene?"
You rolled your eyes, sitting down. "It was a childish thing to do." You admitted with a frustrated sigh. "It's just we never finished it, did we?"
"No, we didn't..."
"The damn kissing scene has me freaking out. And the whole 'Peter Parker rejects her because he thinks he loves Liz' won't be entirely fake. The rejection will be real, right?" You asked him, getting up and walking to the door. "After all, everything we have is just in character. Let's just get it over with." Bitterness and hurt laced through your voice as you got out, leaving a confused and conflicted Tom Holland behind.


"You okay there?" Zendaya asked you, making you give her a smile and a nod.
"I'm good, why?"
"You just seemed a little..." she shook her head, "never mind. Good luck with your scene!" She said, winking and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
You nodded and waited for Tom to show up, which he did a minute later.
"And action!"

"You're probably the smartest and bravest guy I've ever met- and not just as Spider-Man."
"I-" Peter began, trying to find the right words to say.
"You really don't see it, do you? The mask and the suit doesn't make you Spider-Man.. Peter Parker does." She said, letting out a quiet chuckle. "You're a hero without these... upgrades. You're still the same as who you were when you wore that onesie of yours and stopped me from... You know."
"There are things you don't see, too." He finally said. "You help pretty much everybody with everything.. You see the best in people as much as possible... You're amazing. Why can't you see that?" The two slowly leaned in, slowly letting their eyes flutter until they closed and their lips connected. However, a few seconds later Peter pulled back. "I-I'm sorry... I don't want to mess with your feelings... I just- I can't seem to get over Liz.. I'm so so sorry.." he whispered, making his way over to the window. "Thank you- for the help, I mean."
"It's nothing.... I mean it is something, it's important.. but I mean I'd help you with anything." She tried to find her words as a blush made its way to her face as she looked down at the floor.
"Goodbye, Peter."
"I'm sorry." He mumbled before opening the window, a gust of wind drafting into the room as she breathed it in. God, she felt so stupid for that kiss. Her first kiss and he didn't even return her feelings. She thought he was the one! And he was- he is! He just has his heart settled on another girl.
"She's so lucky to have him.." she mumbled, sitting on her bed as she looked up, the light catching in her tears as she managed a weak smile, letting out a whisper of a chuckle. "I hope she shares his feelings." She whispered, her breathing messing up as she started to sob as she pulled the covers over her head and crying herself to sleep.

She got up and wiped her 'fake' tears away, giving everyone a thumbs up and a smile. "How was it?"
"Perfect!" Zendaya exclaimed, jogging over to pull me into a hug. "If Peter Parker doesn't realise he loves her back I'm going to burn my script." She declared, making me laugh.
"Honestly, same. This is as close as I'm getting to dating Peter Parker so..." You joked, making Zendaya snort.
"True. I'm pretty jealous about the whole Spider-Man thing. Everyone thought MJ was gonna end up with him." She said, chuckling.
"I'm gonna go get a churro, you in?" You offered, making her nod.
"Want me to go get Jacob and Tom? They might want to get churros with us.."
"I was kinda hoping it would be just us two... I have some stuff to say." I admitted to her, making Zendaya let out an "oh"  her voice making it clear that she realised something was up. Something to do with either Jacob or Tom- and her thoughts were leading towards Tom.

An hour passed, me and Zendaya didn't have any scenes until later and we decided to just discuss what happened and stuff.
"So... when did you realise you... y'know, liked him?"
"Remember when we took that Polaroid photo together?"
"Since then?! Jesus, woman! You could have told me!"
You let out a laugh and crossed one leg over the other. "I didn't want anybody to find out... not even you." I said, and she patted my back sympathetically.
"I don't mind. I get it completely. How did he react, exactly?"
"I told him and I kinda.. lashed out of him. And I- and I know I shouldn't have, he didn't do anything, but I was trying to spare myself. I was being selfish, and I feel bad for it."
"It wasn't your fault. But.. what did you say? What did he say and do?"

It went like that for a while until she knew the whole story as if she were there herself. We were finally called by Jacob saying that we were needed at the set in five minutes. We grabbed our jackets and set off after paying for our churros. Once we got to set, Zendaya walked with me over to the seats, making sure to avoid Tom as much as possible.
"C'mon, it's our scene." She said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to set. In the corner of my eye, I saw Thomas smiling, his eyes shut with their creases as he laughed at something Jacob said. His eyes fluttered open and he turned his head, his beautiful brown eyes catching the light and staring into mine as he gave a tiny smile, waving at me as a gleam appeared in his eyes when I just stood doing nothing, not smiling or waving or anything. He let his arm fall to his side as he let out what looked like a sigh. Jacob tapped his arm and he turned his head, a facial expression screaming I've-messed-up but he did nothing..

What have I done?

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now