sketch|Tom Holland

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I have another Peter one coming up, I promise!
I sketched down a few colours I was gonna use and looked up at the person who was sat down, scrolling through their social media, probably, and a cup of steaming coffee on the table. I got drawing, but soon the person was already finishing their drink and getting up to leave, stuffing the phone in their pocket.
"Dammit!" I complained to myself and I wrote in the corner of the picture that was far from being finished.
I closed the sketchbook and then groaned when I saw the still half-full cup of cold coffee. "Great." I said sarcastically to myself and got up to leave the cafe- of course, I apologised to the person at the counter before leaving.

I pulled my jumper over my hands, cursing myself for not grabbing my gloves. My eyes widened and I turned around, heading back to the cafe. "Shit!" I whispered to myself. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned on my heel. The person lowered their hood and gave a smile. "You own this, right?" He held up a blue and red sketchbook that had drawn on lines on it. I quickly grabbed it and apologised over and over again.
"It must've fallen from my bag, I'm sorry!"
"Don't be... I should be for looking at some of the drawings.."
"You didn't see the last one, right?"
He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Unfortunately, no."
"I-uh, hey.. maybe I can meet up with you at the cafe and I can show you some sketches?"
He grinned and nodded. "That'd be great!" The stranger turned on their heel and left.
I also walked away and then cursed. How do I know when to meet up with him, and I don't even know his name!
I opened the sketchbook and flipped through the pages, but my attention was drawn to the corner of a few of the pages.
My name's Tom, I guess we'll meet again! (His number)
I grinned and entered the number into my contacts.
So.. when do you wanna meet? Very smooth btw
How about Monday Morning? And ty ;)
I don't even know you but you're a dork :p
Ty again, I try my best.
See you Monday, Thomas!
Tommo is typing...

I turned off my phone and grinned, stuffing the sketchbook into my bag, heading home with a stupid grin on my face that I couldn't wipe off. I closed the door and said "hey" to my best friend and roommate.
"You look happy."
"I am."
She sighed at me and laughed lightly. "Care to share?"
"I almost had a bad morning."
She gasped and gave a slight squeal. "Did you meet someone?!"
I shrugged and chuckled at her behaviour. "I made a new friend who likes some of my drawings, that's all."
"You never let anyone see your drawings!"
"I almost lost my sketchbook but they gave it back to me. They wrote a part of a sentence on each drawing he saw."
"That's what I told him when I tested his number." I chuckled and she gasped.
"He is very smooth. Does he happen to have a twin or something?"
I burst out laughing and she did too. As soon as the laughter died down, I dumped my bag on the floor. "I'll ask him for you!" She just yelled "HA!" As response and I chuckled, closing my bedroom door behind me.
One missed message
See you then, stranger!
My roommate wants to know if you have a twin or a best friend LMAO
Yes, I do lol.
We should set them up.
Harrison will have a girlfriend before me! Damn lol.
Dork. I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend though..
Oh? ;)
Please stop Lmao, and yes I really am surprised.
Eh, spiderman isn't really most girls' type.
Have you seen my sketchbook?
Key word most
Aw ty

Months later
Me and Tom became quite good friends from then and he let me continue the drawing I started of him, thank god. Our best friends become quite close, wink wink, and Tom helped me come up with drawing ideas when I needed some. Of course, he always rants to me about how cool it is to be playing spiderman, which has been his life dream since forever. He even has one of those chibi pop doll things of Spider-Man stuck in his car! I was right, he's a huge dork. Of course, I ended up having a small crush on him that kept growing until I started wanting to hit my head with a brick repeatedly out of frustration.
"But it's so easy to see!" I complained And dropped my head drop on the desk.
"It actually isn't, not gonna lie... I only found out when you let it slip."
I groaned loudly and slumped in my seat. "Haz is so much better at this than me."
"I'm not telling Tom's best friend that I like Tom!"
"You just did." Came a voice from F/N's phone and I turned to see Haz grinning.
"What the FUCK?!" I complained and then groaned, slamming my head back on the desk.
"Well, she's frustrated."
"I have every right to be." Came my mumbled response.
"How long have you liked him?"
"Ever since the Monday Morning. But I only really let the crush settle when I got to know him." I smiled to myself and fiddled with a charm on the bracelet that Tommo gave me when he left the country for filming.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now